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Sourcing the iron in the naturally fertilised bloom around the Kerguelen Plateau: particulate trace metal dynamics ArchiMer
Van Der Merwe, P.; Bowie, A. R.; Queroue, F.; Armand, L.; Blain, S.; Chever, Fanny; Davies, D.; Dehairs, F.; Planchon, F.; Sarthou, G.; Townsend, A. T.; Trull, T. W..
The KEOPS2 project aims to elucidate the role of natural Fe fertilisation on biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem functioning, including quantifying the sources and processes by which iron is delivered in the vicinity of the Kerguelen Archipelago, Southern Ocean. The KEOPS2 process study used an upstream high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC), deep water (2500 m), reference station to compare with a shallow (500 m), strongly fertilised plateau station and continued the observations to a downstream, bathymetrically trapped recirculation of the Polar Front where eddies commonly form and persist for hundreds of kilometres into the Southern Ocean. Over the Kerguelen Plateau, mean particulate (1-53 mu m) Fe and Al concentrations (pFe = 13.4 nM, pAl = 25.2 nM)...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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