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Ice core evidence for decoupling between midlatitude atmospheric water cycle and Greenland temperature during the last deglaciation ArchiMer
Landais, Amaelle; Capron, Emilie; Masson-delmotte, Valerie; Toucanne, Samuel; Rhodes, Rachael; Popp, Trevor; Vinther, Bo; Minster, Benedicte; Prie, Frederic.
The last deglaciation represents the most recent example of natural global warming associated with largescale climate changes. In addition to the long-term global temperature increase, the last deglaciation onset is punctuated by a sequence of abrupt changes in the Northern Hemisphere. Such interplay between orbital-and millennial-scale variability is widely documented in paleoclimatic records but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Limitations arise from the difficulty in constraining the sequence of events between external forcing, high-and low-latitude climate, and environmental changes. Greenland ice cores provide sub-decadal-scale records across the last deglaciation and contain fingerprints of climate variations occurring in different...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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