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Histochemical and Morphological Characteristics of the Levator Ani Muscle in Rats 77
do Carmo,Edna Maria; Miyaoka,Tatiana Midori; da Silva,Natália Denipoti; de Camargo,Marcela Regina; Rocha,Ana Paula Rodrigues; Pelai,Eliza Bizetti; Figueira,Jéssica Ibde Jaquiel; Fregonesi,Cristina Elena Prado Teles; Sato,José Takaiti; de Machado,Roberto Gameiro; de Souza,Wilson Machado.
The current study aimed to analyze the histochemical and morphological characteristics of the levator ani muscle in rats. For this, we used 10 Wistar rats (5 males and 5 females), weighing between 200 and 765g. The animals were dissected fresh and in formalin for the levator ani muscle anatomical observation. Muscle fragments were collected and frozen in n-Hexane previously cooled in liquid nitrogen. Then, the muscles were transferred to a microtome cryostat (HM 505 E Microm), being fixed in metal mounts with the adhesive Tissue Freezing Medium. Histological sections of 6.0µm were removed and subjected to HE staining. Other sections were subjected to NADH-TR and SDH reactions. After being dissected and fixed, the architecture of the female pelvic floor...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pelvic floor; Muscle skeletal; Physical therapy; Model animals; Muscle fibers.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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