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Saline-boron stress in northern Chile olive accessions: water relations, B and Cl contents and impact on plant growth Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Escobar,Hugo; Lara,Nelson; Zapata,Yubinza; Urbina,Camilo; Rodriguez,Manuel; Figueroa,Leonardo.
H. Escobar, N. Lara, Y. Zapata, C. Urbina, M. Rodriguez, and L. Figueroa. 2013. Saline-boron stress in northern Chile olive accessions: water relations, B and Cl contents and impact on plant growth. Cien. Inv. Agr. 40(3): 597-607. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of saline-boron stress on the vegetative growth, dry leaf weight, water potential (Ψw), relative water content, and leaf and root B and Cl- contents in 8 accessions of olive. Rooted one-year-old plants were cultivated for 132 days with 50% shading in 5-L pots containing sand substrate and watered with Jensen's nutrient solution. After eight days of uniform ferti-irrigation, the plants were exposed to saline-boron stress, which was administered in three successive...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Boron; Chloride; Olive; Salinity; Water relations.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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