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Histomorphologic characterization of the hepatopancreas of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879) 45
Silva,M.A.S.; Almeida Neto,M.E.; Ramiro,B.O.; Santos,I.T.F.; Guerra,R.R..
ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe the Macrobrachium rosenbergii hepatopancreas histomorphology. The hepatopancreas is constituted by a set of blind end tubules, divided into proximal, middle, and distal regions, with the epithelium formed by E, F, B, R, and M cells differently of other species. Measurements of the length and width of the tubules were 419.64+69.09µm and 117.42+16.99µm, respectively. The percentage of each cell type per region was: proximal region (40%B, 20%F, 6.7%M, 33.3%R), middle region (45.4%B, 18.2%F, 9.1%M, and 27.3%R) and distal region (36.4%E, 27.2%B, 18.2%F, 9.1%M, 9.1%R). Cell B that stores glycogen and lipids, is the most commonly found cell in proximal and middle regions. In the distal region, the E, responsible for the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Digestive gland; Digestive histology; Digestive morphology; F cell; Shrimp.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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