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Use of testicular tone and echogenicity in identifying boars with low sperm quality 45
Paschoal,A.F.L.; Santos,J.T.; Mellagi,A.P.G.; Bernardi,M.L.; Wentz,I.; Bortolozzo,F.P..
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the use of some testicular traits to identify boars with low sperm morphological quality. The consistency (scores from 1 to 5), tone with tonometry (mm), parenchyma echogenicity and heterogeneity with ultrasound (pixel) were assessed in 402 mature boars (18.5 months on average). Sperm abnormality thresholds (≤ 25% of total sperm abnormalities, ≤ 5% of heads, acrosome, neck or midpiece defects, ≤ 10% tail defects, and 15% cytoplasmic droplets) were used to classify boars as approved or disapproved. Three classes of testicular traits were formed (extremely low and high values, approximately 15% each, were kept in separated classes). When the traits were individually evaluated, fewer boars were approved if the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Andrology; Breeding soundness; Consistency; Echotexture; Morphology; Spermatozoa.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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