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Marine growth effect on the hydrodynamical behavior of a submarine cable under current and wave conditions. ArchiMer
Marty, Antoine; Berhault, Christian; Damblans, Guillaume; Facq, Jean-valery; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Soulard, Thomas; Schoefs, Franck.
This document describes the experimental set-up of OMDYN2 and LEHERO-MG projects. The study aims to quantify the impact of biofouling on the dynamic behaviour of an underwater power cable by analysing the hydrodynamic coefficients, such as drag and added mass coefficients. Experiments have been carried out in the wave and current basin of IFREMER, located at Boulogne-sur-mer, in order to compare the dynamics of several cylinders with or without roughness. Three cylinders are tested, two cylinders with different roughnesses and one smooth cylinder. The studied roughnesses concern realistic marine growth and have therefore significantly bigger dimensions (like mussels) than roughness studied in the research literature on the subject. Tests are conducted...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Stochastic Modeling of Forces on Jacket-Type Offshore Structures Colonized by Marine Growth ArchiMer
Ameryoun, Hamed; Schoefs, Franck; Barille, Laurent; Thomas, Yoann.
The present paper deals with the stochastic modeling of bio-colonization for the computation of stochastic hydrodynamic loading on jacket-type offshore structures. It relies on a multidisciplinary study gathering biological and physical research fields that accounts for uncertainties at all the levels. Indeed, bio-colonization of offshore structures is a complex phenomenon with two major but distinct domains: (i) marine biology, whose processes are modeled with biomathematics methods, and (ii) hydrodynamic processes. This paper aims to connect these two domains. It proposes a stochastic model for the marine organism's growth and then continues with transfers for the assessment of drag coefficient and forces probability density functions that account for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine growth; Biofouling; Wave loading; Stochastic modeling; Reliability; Jacket structures.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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COSELMAR. Compréhension des socio-écosystèmes littoraux et marins pour la prévention et la gestion des risques. Bilan scientifique 2013-2017 ArchiMer
Pardo, Sophie; Hess, Philipp; Simon, Elodie; Barille, Laurent; Geslin, Emmanuelle; Cognie, Bruno; Martin-jezequel, Véronique; Sechet, Véronique; Herrenknecht, Christine; Baron, Regis; Bourseau, Patrick; Amzil, Zouher; Masse, Anthony; Vandanjon, Laurent; Dumay, Justine; Lebeau, Thierry; Turpin, Vincent; Mondeguer, Florence; Petitgas, Pierre; Trouillet, Brice; Mercier, Denis; Guillotreau, Patrice; Guineberteau, Thierry; Mahevas, Stephanie; Schoefs, Franck; Sophie Pardo; Philipp Hess; Pauline Borgniet; Laurent Barillé; Emmanuelle Geslin; Bruno Cognie; Véronique Martin-Jezequel; Véronique Sechet; Christine Herrenknecht; Régis Baron; Patrick Bourseau; Zouher Amzil; Anthony Massé; Laurent Vandanjon; Justine Dumay; Thierry Lebeau; Vincent Turpin; Florence Mondeguer; Pierre Petitgas; Brice Trouillet.
COSELMAR, a 4-year project financed by the Région des Pays de la Loire at 2.1 M€, officially started on the 7th January 2013. The project is coordinated by Philipp Hess (IFREMER) and Sophie Pardo (Université de Nantes-LEMNA) and falls under the Federation for Research Institut Universitaire Mer et Littoral (IUML, FR CNRS 3473)*. COSELMAR has also been approved by the Scientific Council of the MSH Ange Guépin. COSELMAR is a research project uniting 5 research units of IFREMER and 11 laboratories of the Université de Nantes, along with academic partners, and national and international industries. The aim is to achieve a better understanding of the marine and coastal ecosystems and the associated resources. The project will also provide insights into risk...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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