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New constraints on European glacial freshwater releases to the North Atlantic Ocean ArchiMer
Eynaud, Frederique; Malaize, Bruno; Zaragosi, Sebastien; De Vernal, Anne; Scourse, James; Pujol, Claude; Cortijo, Elsa; Grousset, Francis E.; Penaud, Aurelie; Toucanne, Samuel; Turon, Jean-louis; Auffret, Gerard.
During the late Quaternary, both external and internal forcings have driven major climatic shifts from glacial to interglacial conditions. Nonlinear climatic steps characterized the transitions leading to these extrema, with intermediate excursions particularly well expressed in the dynamics of the Northern Hemisphere cryosphere. Here we document the impact of these dynamics on the north-eastern North Atlantic Ocean, focussing on the 35-10 ka interval. Sea-surface salinities have been reconstructed quantitatively based on two independent methods from core MD95-2002, recovered from the northern Bay of Biscay adjacent to the axis of the Manche paleoriver outlet and thus in connection with proximal European ice sheets and glaciers. Quantitative...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Late Holocene oceanographic and climate change from the western European margin: the results of the HOLSMEER project ArchiMer
Scourse, James; Sejrup, Hans Petter; Jones, Phil D..
The underlying aim of the HOLSMEER project has been to improve our understanding of natural climate variability through the search for, interpretation and quantification of, climatic variability in very high-resolution shallow marine records from Atlantic Europe covering the last 2000 years. This has been achieved through detailed analyses of a series of coastal and shallow marine sites spanning the Atlantic seaboard from Iberia to western Norway, and extending across to Iceland. HOLSMEER partners have documented pronounced instability in the thermohaline circulation (THC) during the period immediately prior to the recent significant anthropogenic impact on the environment. For the first time we have been able to document that these changes in the coastal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Holocene; Palaeoclimate; Marine; Thermohaline circulation; Sea level; Arctica islandica; Transfer function; HOLSMEER project; North Atlantic Ocean; Western European margin.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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