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Best distribution and plotting positions of daily maximum flood estimation at Ona River in Ogun-Oshun river basin, Nigeria CIGR Journal
Temitayo Abayomi EWEMOJE; Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Ibadan; O. S. Ewemooje; Department of Statistics, University of Ibadan.
The paper discusses how Normal, Lognormal, and log-Pearson type 3 distributions were investigated as distributions for modelling at-site annual maximum flood flows using the Hazen, Weibull, and California plotting positions at Ogun-Oshun river basin in Nigeria.  All the probability distributions when matched with Weibull plotting position gave similar values near the center of the distribution but varied considerably in the tails.  The Weibull plotting position when matched with Normal, Log-normal and Log Pearson Type III probability distributions gave the highest coefficient of determinations of 0.967, 0.987, and 0.986 respectively.  Hazen plotting position gave minimal errors with the RMSE of 6.988, 6.390, and 6.011 for Normal, Log-normal, and...
Palavras-chave: Probability distributions; Plotting positions; Maximum flood; Estimation; Statistical modelling; Nigeria.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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