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Incidence of Metopism in Adult Thai Skulls 77
Khamanarong,Kimaporn; Tuamsuk,Panya; Woraputtaporn,Worawut; Namking,Malivalaya; Sawatpanich,Tarinee; Toomsan,Yanyong; Iamsaard,Sitthichai.
The persistent metopic suture on adult skull (also known as metopism) can confuse the clinicians during diagnosis of the frontal bone fractures in emergency conditions. The incidences of metopism have been documented in many populations except in Thais. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine the incidence of metopism in adult Thai skulls. The identified 706 Thai dried skulls (481 males and 225 females) were carried out for metopic suture observations. The results showed that 53 skulls (7.51%) were present of the metopic sutures. The metopism observed could be classified into major two types (complete metopic suture (20 skulls [2.83%]) and incomplete metopic suture (33 skulls [4.67%]). For the incomplete metopic suture could be further classified into...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Metopism; Metopic suture; Frontal bone.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Localization of Vesicular Inhibitory Amino Acid Transporter (VIAAT) in the Submandibular Salivary Gland Throughout the Postnatal Development of Mice 77
Toomsan,Yanyong; Chomphoo,Surang; Pakkarato,Sawetree; Watanabe,Masahiko; Kondo,Hisatake; Hipkaeo,Wiphawi.
According to recent studies, it is highly possible that the occurrence of vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT) is a good marker of GABA-signaling not only in the brain, but also in extra-brain tissue cells containing GABA and GAD. In view of this, the present study was attempted to localize VIAAT-immunoreactivity in the submandibular gland of mice. In the present study, the submandibular glands of male mice at various postnatal developmental stages were examined for detailed localization of VIAAT-immunoreactivity in immunohistochemistry at light microscopic level. The immunoreactivity for VIAAT was localized in epithelial cells of proximal and distal excretory ducts with the striated portion more intensely immunopositive at young postnatal...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: VIATT-immunoreactivity; GABA; Salivary glands; Arteriolar smooth muscle.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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