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Recruitment patterns in four species of Physaria (Brassicaceae): implications for maintenance of population density over time in both native and cultivated stands 67
González-Paleo,Luciana; Pastor-Pastor,Alejandro; Bar Lamas,Marlene; Vilela,Alejandra; Ravetta,Damián.
Seedling recruitment is a critical stage of a plant's cycle which determines population viability, the potential for invasiveness of a plant species and the success of establishment of a crop, among other processes. We evaluated the most relevant stages leading to recruitment (seed-rain, the time of seedling emergence, and seedling survival) in four species of Physaria (P. gracilis, P. angustifolia, Physaria pinetorum and P. mendocina) in a field experiment in Patagonia, Argentina, to assess the possibility of using spontaneous recruitment to understand population dynamics and to evaluate the potential of this process as a tool for crop reestablishment. We determined the effect of water availability and initial seedling density on final stand density. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lesquerella; Arid environments; Seed-rain; Seedling survival; Seedling density; Water availability.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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