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Extensive larval dispersal and restricted movement of juveniles on the nursery grounds of sole in the Southern North Sea ArchiMer
Delerue-ricard, Sophie; Darnaude, Audrey M.; Raeymaekers, Joost A.m.; Dundas, Siv Hjorth; Skadal, Julie; Volckaert, Filip A.m.; Geffen, Audrey J..
Connectivity between spawning and nursery grounds influences the colonization, replenishment and resilience of populations of marine organisms. Connectivity rate, measured as the exchange of individuals between spawning and nursery grounds, is therefore a crucial determinant of stock size. However, connectivity of early-life stages is hard to explore due to sampling limitations and insufficient knowledge on potential larval sources. Here we present new insights into pre- and post-settlement dispersal of the common sole (Solea solea L.) at a spatial scale of 5–500 km in the Southern North Sea. Patterns at a scale of <100 km were considered local, whereas patterns further than 100 km were considered regional. Multi-elemental signatures of the otolith edge...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Connectivity; Early-life history; North Sea; Otolith elemental composition; Trace elements; Solea solea.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Restriction fragment length analysis of the cytochrome b gene and muscle fatty acid composition differentiate the cryptic flatfish species Solea solea and Solea aegyptiaca ArchiMer
Boukouvala, Evridiki; Cariani, Alessia; Maes, Gregory E.; Sevilla, Rafael G.; Verrez-bagnis, Veronique; Jerome, Marc; Guarniero, Ilaria; Monios, Georgios; Tinti, Fausto; Volckaert, Filip A.m.; Bautista, José M.; Krey, Grigorios.
Overlapping external morphometric characters easily confound the flatfishes Solea aegyptiaca and Solea solea (Soleidae) in areas of the Mediterranean Sea where both species live in sympatry. This leads to uncertainties in the fisheries and marketing of the species, in addition to misinterpretations in biogeography and conservation studies. Here we describe a simple restriction fragment length-based diagnostic test, which differentiates S. solea from S. aegyptiaca, as well as from other species of the Soleidae family. Furthermore, we show that the two species living in sympatry in the Gulf of Kavala (North Aegean Sea, Greece) present significant qualitative differences in muscle fatty acid composition, a property which can also be used to distinguish the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Solea solea; Solea aegyptiaca; Species diagnosis; Cytochrome b gene; EcoR V restriction fragment length; White muscle fatty acid composition.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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