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A multi-gene phylogeny of Lactifluus (Basidiomycota, Russulales) translated into a new infrageneric classification of the genus Naturalis
Crop, E. de; Nuytinck, J.; Putte, K. van de; Wisitrassameewong, K.; Hackel, J.; Stubbe, D.; Hyde, K.D.; Roy, M.; Halling, R.E.; Moreau, P.-A.; Eberhardt, U.; Verbeken, A..
Infrageneric relations of the genetically diverse milkcap genus Lactifluus (Russulales, Basidiomycota) are poorly known. Currently used classification systems still largely reflect the traditional, mainly morphological, characters used for infrageneric delimitations of milkcaps. Increased sampling, combined with small-scale molecular studies, show that this genus is underexplored and in need of revision. For this study, we assembled an extensive dataset of the genus Lactifluus, comprising 80 % of all known species and 30 % of the type collections. To unravel the infrageneric relationships within this genus, we combined a multi-gene molecular phylogeny, based on nuclear ITS, LSU, RPB2 and RPB1, with a morphological study, focussing on five important...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Milkcaps; Molecular evolution; Morphology; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Study in Agaricus subgenus Minores and allied clades reveals a new American subgenus and contrasting phylogenetic patterns in Europe and Greater Mekong Subregion Naturalis
Chen, J.; Callac, P.; Parra, L.A.; Karunarathna, S.C.; He, M.-Q.; Moinard, M.; De Kesel, A.; Raspé, O.; Wisitrassameewong, K.; Hyde, K.D.; Zhao, R.-L..
Within Agaricus subg. Minores, A. sect. Minores remains a little-studied section due generally to its delicate sporocarps often lacking taxonomically relevant morphological characters. To reconstruct the section, using the recent taxonomic system based on divergence times, and to evaluate the species diversity of A. sect. Minores in the Greater Mekong Subregion, 165 specimens were incorporated in phylogenetic analyses. A dated tree based on nuclear ITS, LSU and tef1-α sequence data allowed us to better circumscribe A. subg. Minores and to propose a new subgenus, A. subg. Minoriopsis, which is only known from tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. A larger tree based on ITS sequences indicated that, with 81 phylogenetic species, the reconstructed...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Agaricaceae; Agaricus sect. Minores; Divergence times; Multi-gene phylogeny; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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