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Performance of modern tide gauges: towards mm-level accuracy ArchiMer
Martin Miguez, Belen; Testut, Laurent; Woeppelmann, Guy.
Considerable efforts are being made worldwide to upgrade tide gauge networks using new technologies. Because of the unique location of the Kerguelen Islands, the measurement of sea level there has received particular attention, with up to four systems equipped with modern sensors functioning simultaneously (two pressure tide gauges, a radar tide gauge, and a GPS-equipped buoy). We analysed and compared the sea level data obtained with these systems from 2003 to 2010, together with a time series of tide pole observations. This is the first time that a multi-comparison study with tide gauges has been undertaken over such a long time span and that the stability of modern radar tide gauges has been examined. The multi-comparison enabled us to evaluate the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Radar; Pressure gauges; Sea level changes; Sea level measurement; Tide gauges; Kerguelen Islands; GPS buoy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Evidence for a differential sea level rise between hemispheres over the twentieth century ArchiMer
Woeppelmann, Guy; Marcos, Marta; Santamaria-gomez, Alvaro; Martin-miguez, Belen; Bouin, Marie-noelle; Gravelle, Mederic.
Tide gauge records are the primary source of sea level information over multidecadal to century timescales. A critical issue in using this type of data to determine global climate-related contributions to sea level change concerns the vertical motion of the land upon which the gauges are grounded. Here we use observations from the Global Positioning System for the correction of this vertical land motion. As a result, the spatial coherence in the rates of sea level change during the twentieth century is highlighted at the local and the regional scales, ultimately revealing a clearly distinct behavior between the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres with values of 2.0mm/yr and 1.1mm/yr, respectively. Our findings challenge the widely accepted value of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea level; Climate change; Land motion; Geodesy; Tide gauge; GPS.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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