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Responses of ecological indicators to fishing pressure under environmental change: exploring non-linearity and thresholds ArchiMer
Fu, Caihong; Xu, Yi; Grüss, Arnaud; Bundy, Alida; Shannon, Lynne; Heymans, Johanna J; Halouani, Ghassen; Akoglu, Ekin; Lynam, Christopher P; Coll, Marta; Fulton, Elizabeth A; Velez, Laure; Shin, Yunne-jai.
Marine ecosystems are influenced by multiple stressors in both linear and non-linear ways. Using generalized additive models (GAMs) fitted to outputs from a multi-ecosystem, multi-model simulation experiment, we investigated 14 major ecological indicators across ten marine ecosystems about their responses to fishing pressure under: (i) three different fishing strategies (focusing on low-, high-, or all-trophic-level taxa); and (ii) four different scenarios of directional or random primary productivity change, a proxy for environmental change. From this work, we draw four major conclusions: (i) responses of indicators to fishing mortality in shapes, directions, and thresholds depend on the fishing strategies considered; (ii) most of the indicators...
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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The Cumulative Effects of Fishing, Plankton Productivity, and Marine Mammal Consumption in a Marine Ecosystem ArchiMer
Fu, Caihong; Xu, Yi; Guo, Chuanbo; Olsen, Norm; Grüss, Arnaud; Liu, Huizhu; Barrier, Nicolas; Verley, Philippe; Shin, Yunne-jai.
The marine ecosystem off British Columbia (BC), Canada, has experienced various changes in the last two decades, including reduced lipid-rich zooplankton biomass, increased marine mammals, and deteriorated commercial fisheries, particularly those targeting pelagic species such as Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii). Understanding how stressors interactively and cumulatively affect commercially important fish species is key to moving toward ecosystem-based fisheries management. Because it is challenging to assess the cumulative effects of multiple stressors by using empirical data alone, a dynamic, individual-based spatially explicit ecosystem modeling platform such as Object-oriented Simulator of Marine Ecosystems (OSMOSE) represents a valuable tool to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cumulative effect; Ecosystem-based fisheries management; Ecological indicator; Ecosystem modeling; Synergism.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Making ecological indicators management ready: Assessing the specificity, sensitivity, and threshold response of ecological indicators ArchiMer
Fu, Caihong; Xu, Yi; Bundy, Alida; Grüss, Arnaud; Coll, Marta; Heymans, Johanna J.; Fulton, Elizabeth A.; Shannon, Lynne; Halouani, Ghassen; Velez, Laure; Akoğlu, Ekin; Lynam, Christopher P.; Shin, Yunne-jai.
Moving toward ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) necessitates a suite of ecological indicators that are responsive to fishing pressure, capable of tracking changes in the state of marine ecosystems, and related to management objectives. In this study, we employed the gradient forest method to assess the performance of 14 key ecological indicators in terms of specificity, sensitivity and the detection of thresholds for EBFM across ten marine ecosystems using four modelling frameworks (Ecopath with Ecosim, OSMOSE, Atlantis, and a multi-species size-spectrum model). Across seven of the ten ecosystems, high specificity to fishing pressure was found for most of the 14 indicators. The indicators biomass to fisheries catch ratio (B/C), mean lifespan and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecological modelling; Fishing pressure; Gradient forest method; Indictor performance; Marine ecosystem; Primary productivity.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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IMBER - Research for marine sustainability: Synthesis and the way forward ArchiMer
Hofmann, Eileen; Bundy, Alida; Drinkwater, Ken; Piola, Alberto R.; Avril, Bernard; Robinson, Carol; Murphy, Eugene; Maddison, Lisa; Svendsen, Einar; Hall, Julie; Xu, Yi.
The Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) project aims at developing a comprehensive understanding of and accurate predictive capacity of ocean responses to accelerating global change and the consequent effects on the Earth system and human society. Understanding the changing ecology and biogeochemistry of marine ecosystems and their sensitivity and resilience to multiple drivers, pressures and stressors is critical to developing responses that will help reduce the vulnerability of marine-dependent human communities. This overview of the IMBER project provides a synthesis of project achievements and highlights the value of collaborative, interdisciplinary, integrated research approaches as developed and implemented through IMBER...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: IMBER; Global environmental change; Marine ecosystems; Biogeochemical cycles; Human systems; Marine sustainability.
Ano: 2015 URL:
Registros recuperados: 4
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