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Power Saving Approach based on Time Triggered Architecture for Wireless Accelerometer System CIGR Journal
The development of a wireless embedded system for classifying and monitoring the animal behaviors has become increasingly appealing in animal production and health monitoring purposes. In recent years, there has been emphasized on using wireless accelerometer system to identify the cow behaviors because this can offer significant data for efficient classification. However, while implementing such system in outdoor environments, the high power consumption of wireless transceiver is one of the main drawbacks and shown to be a big challenge to maintain especially when transmitting data through XBbee RF modules. To fulfill the requirements of power reduction, this paper proposes a technique based on the time-triggered architecture for controlling the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Wireless embedded system; XBee module; Accelerometer; Cow behaviors..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Classification of the cattle behaviors by using magnitude and variance of accelerometer signal CIGR Journal
Time periods of walking-grazing, standing and lyingof cattle’s life can be used to predict their health. However, famer cannot observe those in all the time. Therefore, this paper proposes a simple technique to classify the cattle behaviors by using the magnitude and the variance of accelerometer output signal. There are two steps of algorithm detection, the first step employed the magnitude of each axis for classifying the cattle behaviors into two groups: 1) walking-grazing and standing and 2) lying. After that, the second step used the variance of Y-axis to notify between walking-grazing and standing behaviors. The classification results were inform time periods of each behavior and tested with two cattle. The measured precise times of each behavior...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cattle behaviors; Accelerometer; Variance; Decision tree and activity monitoring.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Acoustic behaviour of male European lobsters ( Homarus gammarus ) during agonistic encounters ArchiMer
Jézéquel, Youenn; Coston-guarini, Jennifer; Chauvaud, Laurent; Bonnel, Julien.
Previous studies have demonstrated that male European lobsters (Homarus gammarus) use chemical and visual signals as a means of intraspecific communication during agonistic encounters. In this study, we show that they also produce buzzing sounds during these encounters. This result was missed in earlier studies because low-frequency buzzing sounds are highly attenuated in tanks, and are thus difficult to detect with hydrophones. To address this issue, we designed a behavioural tank experiment using hydrophones, with accelerometers placed on the lobsters to directly detect their carapace vibrations (i.e. the sources of the buzzing sounds). While we found that both dominant and submissive individuals produced carapace vibrations during every agonistic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Passive acoustics; Male European lobster; Agonistic encounter; Accelerometer; Buzzing sound; Carapace vibration; Tank; Acoustic communication.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Acoustic accelerometry reveals diel activity patterns in premigratory Port Jackson sharks ArchiMer
Kadar, Julianna; Ladds, Monique; Mourier, Johann; Day, Joanna; Brown, Culum.
Distinguishing the factors that influence activity within a species advances understanding of their behavior and ecology. Continuous observation in the marine environment is not feasible but biotelemetry devices provide an opportunity for detailed analysis of movements and activity patterns. This study investigated the detail that calibration of accelerometers measuring root mean square (RMS) acceleration with video footage can add to understanding the activity patterns of male and female Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) in a captive environment. Linear regression was used to relate RMS acceleration output to time‐matched behavior captured on video to quantify diel activity patterns. To validate captive data, diel patterns from captive...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Accelerometer; Activity pattern; Diel cycle; Migratory restlessness; Port Jackson shark; Root mean square acceleration.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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