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Méthodes d’estimation des surfaces développées de coraux scléractiniaires à l’échelle d’une colonie ou d’un peuplement ArchiMer
Chancerelle, Y.
This study presents an original method for the determination of the actual surface area of Scleractinian corals at colony-scale and at the scale of a whole reef. Firstly, at colony-scale, the technique consists of dipping coral colonies in a liquid paraffin bath and measuring the weight of the coral before and after the dipping. It is based on the relationship between the weight and the surface area of paraffin deposited and allows one to obtain the actual surface area of coral colonies in the laboratory. The main advantages of this method compared to others is that it uses easily obtainable materials and it is adaptable to all colony shapes. It was used on coral colonies representing the six most frequently seen colony shapes on the reefs of the island of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Surface développée; Colonie corallienne; Récif corallien; Actual surface area; Coral colony; Coral reef.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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