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Cycles sédimentaires dans le système turbiditique du Congo : nature et origine ArchiMer
Picot, Marie.
Turbidite systems are huge submarine sedimentary fans located off rivers, at the foot of the continental slope. They constitute the most distal terrigeneous deposits of a fluvial system. Their internal structure, defined as a stacking of channel-levee systems, show architectural changes through time. Forcing factors of these architectural changesare still poorly understood, and the respective role of internal (related to the own functioning of the system) or external forcing factors (climate, seal-level variations, tectonics) remains debated. To better understand the role of these controlling factors, a detailed study of the Congo system architecture was carried out. This study was conducted as part of the Reprezaï research project (Ifremer/IUEM, since...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Système turbiditique; Congo; Quaternaire terminal; Cycles sédimentaires; Progradation et rétrogradation; Avulsion; Lobes; Paléoclimat; Sismique; Carottes sédimentaires; Turbidite system; Congo; Quaternary; Sedimentary cycles; Progradation; Retrogradation; Avulsion; Lobes; Paleoclimate; Geophysical data; Sedimentary cores Thèse.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Controls on turbidite sedimentation: Insights from a quantitative approach of submarine channel and lobe architecture (Late Quaternary Congo fan) ArchiMer
Picot, M.; Droz, L.; Marsset, Tania; Dennielou, Bernard; Bez, M..
The role of internal and external forcing of sedimentation in turbidite systems remains a subject of debate. Here we propose new insights from the quantitative analysis of architectural parameters of the Congo Axial Fan. Fifty-two channel-levee-lobe systems, spanning the last ca. 200 ka, are visible on the seafloor, most of them having slightly elongated lobe complexes at their termination. Volumes of lobe complexes (usually 3 to 196 km3) are highly variable in time and space. The cumulative volume of the lobe complexes represents approximately 30% of the volume of the Axial Fan. The Axial Fan is sequentially divided into periods of increasing/decreasing channel lengths and basinward/landward migrations of avulsion points, representing successive...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbidite system; Congo; Late Quaternary; Lobe complexes; Sedimentary cycles; Avulsion; Bathymetry; Seismic profiles.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Late Quaternary channel avulsions on the Danube deep-sea fan, Black Sea ArchiMer
Popescu, Irina; Lericolais, Gilles; Panin, N; Wong, H; Droz, Laurence.
Analysis of new high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles, chirp profiles and previously published sidescan data, together with piston cores on the Danube Fan provide new insight into the recent sedimentation processes in the deep northwestern Black Sea.The latest channel-levee system on the Danube Fan developed probably during the Neoeuxinian lowstand (oxygene isotope stage 2) in a semi-freshwater basin with a water level about 100 m lower than today. Sediment supplied by the Danube was transported to the deep basin through the Viteaz Canyon, which was directly connected to the leveed channel of this system on the middle slope. Channel avulsion was common in the middle fan, as indicated by four main phases of bifurcation. Each phase developed after the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: High resolution seismic; Late Quaternary; Avulsion; Deep sea fan; Black Sea.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Genesis of textural contrasts in subsurface soil horizons in the Northern Pantanal-Brazil Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Nascimento,Alexandre Ferreira do; Furquim,Sheila Aparecida Correia; Couto,Eduardo Guimarães; Beirigo,Raphael Moreira; Oliveira Júnior,Jairo Calderari de; Camargo,Plínio Barbosa de; Vidal-Torrado,Pablo.
The Pantanal region can be characterized as a quaternary floodplain with predominant sedimentation in the form of alluvial fans. In the geomorphologic and sedimentary evolution, the avulsion process is inherent to this depositional system and its dynamics, together with surface water floods, influence soil sedimentation on this plain. The knowledge and differentiation of these two events can contribute to a better understanding of the variability of soil properties and distribution under the influence of these sedimentation processes. Therefore, this study investigated the genesis of soils in the Northern Pantanal with textural contrasts in deeper horizons and their relationship with the depositional system dynamics. We analyzed four soil profiles in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alluvial soils; Hydromorphic soils; Fluvial deposition system; Alluvial fans; Avulsion.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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