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La conchyliculture en France : importance économique, aléas et contraintes, axes de recherche privilégiés ArchiMer
Bonnet, Marc; Troadec, Jean-paul.
En France, l'élevage des mollusques est une activité très ancienne dont les premières apparitions empiriques remonteraient au 13ème siècle pour la mytiliculture (origine de la technique du bouchot) et au 17ème siècle pour la culture de l'huître plate (engraissement dans les réservoirs des marais salants de la côte atlantique). Ce n'est cependant qu'à partir du milieu du siècle dernier que cette activité a pris son essor pour suppléer la simple cueillette qui s'exerçait depuis toujours sur les gisements naturels. Cet essor, surtout appréciable à travers l'évolution de l'ostréiculture, semble avoir été au départ consécutif à trois faits essentiels qui se sont déroulés dans les années 1850 à 1870 : - la maîtrise du captage du naissain sur collecteurs, alors...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Conchyliculture; Economie; Production; Contraintes; Aléas; France.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Revue économique de la conchyliculture ArchiMer
Troadec, Jean-paul.
Defining the economic and social importance of shellfish culture and evaluating its expansion potential through the identification and classification of the major constraints and the research and development orientations that could lead to this expansion. Reports show that the economic importance of shellfish culture varies from one country to the other. These differences come from the variations in the amounts produced but also from the evaluation methods used. One of the controversial points deals with the production charts which often include, without distinction, fished and farmed shellfishes. Shellfish culture is fundamentally an extensive exploitation mode, similar to extensive terrestrial farms. However, interventionism varies from one country to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Contraintes; Production; Economie; Conchyliculture.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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La filière française des produits de la mer : aspects technologiques ArchiMer
Knockaert, Camille.
This report summarises the sea produce sector in France from a technical viewpoint. Firstly, the consumption and distribution aspects are approached, followed by a description of fish as primary material for industry, emphasising the constraints related to fishing and aquaculture. Then, the main sectors of transformation are presented as far as the use of by-products and co-products. Finally, information is provided on the transposition of industrial systems into small-scale models, followed by a briet glimpse of the localisation of the French fishing industry.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Filière produits de la mer; Contraintes; Pêche; Aquaculture; Filières de transformation; Sea produce sector; Constraints; Fishing; Aquaculture; Sectors of transformation.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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