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Ingestive behavior of hoggets given different types of supplement on ryegrass pasture Animal Sciences
Stivanin, Sheila Cristina Bosco; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Pötter, Luciana; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Hampel, Viviane da Silva; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Oliveira, Renata Aqel de; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Bergoli, Tuani Lopes; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.
The ingestive behavior of hoggets was assessed under intermittent grazing method with three days of paddock occupation. These animals remained exclusively on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) pasture or on ryegrass pasture and receiving 1.2% of DM in relation to body weight of rice paddy, corn grain or whole rice bran as a supplement during the vegetative, pre-flowering and flowering phenological stages of ryegrass. The experimental design was a randomized split-split plots wherein the types of supplement were considered as main plot, phenological stages as subplot and the days of occupation as sub-subplots. The hoggets grazed for a longer time when kept exclusively on ryegrass pasture. The hoggets grazed for less time in the vegetative stage of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rice bran; Rice grain; Corn grain; Bite rate; Grazing time.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Efficiency of the use of ryegrass by heifers in response to the receival of supplement Animal Sciences
Ribeiro, Laila Arruda; Rocha, Marta Gomes da; Pötter, Luciana; Sichonany, Maria José de Oliveira; Silva, Mônique Foggiato da; Hundertmarck, Anelise Pereira.
The intensity and frequency of defoliation of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) by beef heifers exclusively grazing or receiving corn grain or extruded commercial product with fat as supplement were evaluated. The grazing method was put-and-take stocking. The experimental design was completely randomized following a repeated measure arrangement, three treatments and two area replications. The phyllochron of ryegrass was 140.1 and 303.4°GD the leaf lifespan. The intensity (67.0 %) and the frequency of defoliation (6.4 days) were similar, regardless of supply or no of energetic supplement for grazing heifers. The defoliation frequency indicates that the heifers can return about 3.3 times to the same tiller during the leaf lifespan. Considering the different...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: frequency of defoliation; Corn grain; Extruded fat; Intensity of defoliation; Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Effects of nitrogen fertilizer input on the composition of mineral elements in corn grain Agrociencia
Yu-kui,Rui; Shi-ling,Jiang; Fu-suo,Zhang; Jian-bo,Shen.
Excessive and inappropriate application of industrial N fertilizer can result in severe environmental and ecological problems, but whether the input of N fertilizer could affect the composition of mineral elements in corn has not been reported. Effects of input of N fertilizer on the composition of mineral elements (Se, Mo, I, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ca, Cr, K, Na, and Mg), in corn grain were investigated by ICP-MS (inductive coupling plasma-mass spectrometry). Se, I, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cr, K and Ca were significantly lower in the treatments with N fertilizer compared to a control without N fertilizer. There was a significant negative conrrelation (R) between four mineral elements and N fertilizer input: I, -0.71; Zn, -0.65; Ca, -0.75; K, -0.89. Therefore appropriate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Corn grain; ICP-MS; Plant nutrition; Trace elements; Urea.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Cells of yeasts adhered in corn grains and the storage perspective for use as probiotic BABT
Baptista,Antonio Sampaio; Horii,Jorge; Piedade,Sonia Maria de Stefano.
Yeasts were applied to corn grains, containing 16 or 20% moisture, at concentrations of 1 and 2%. The cellular viability was assayed at 0, 15, 30, 90 and 110 days. The cellular viability did not differ statistically among the treatments up to 30 days of storage, with the median viability of 89.10%. The average viability found at 90 days (72.20%) was lower than in the first three storage periods. After 110 days, the average viability was 61.14%. In conclusion, since yeast cells were viable up to 110 days in storage on corn grains, these can be used as a vehicle for the application of yeast as a probiotic.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cellular viability; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Storage; Corn grain.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Effects of nitrogen fertilization on heavy metal content of corn grains Phyton
Rui,Yu-kui; Zhang,Fu-suo; Shen,Jian-bo.
Nitrogen fertilization has played a significant role in increasing crop yield, and solving problems of hunger and malnutrition worldwide. However, excessive nitrogen inputs do not significantly increase crop yields but may lead to many serious environmental problems. The effects of nitrogen fertilization rate were studied on heavy metal content of corn grains. Our results show that nitrogen fertilization management is beneficial for reducing production costs, protecting the environment, and improving the quality of farm products.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Heavy metals; Nitrogen fertilization; Corn grain; Food safety; ICP-MS.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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