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Caractérisation de l'activité hydrosédimentaire dans le Système Turbiditique du Var (NO Méditerranée) et de son enregistrement dans l'archive sédimentaire ArchiMer
Mas, Virginie.
In the framework of the HERMES European project, this study aims to characterize the sedimentary processes acting in the Var turbiditic system, their impact on the morphology, and their evolution through time and space. This work uses data acquired along the system, including interface cores, acoustic data, and measurement in the water column (temperature, particulate fluxes, speed and direction of the currents) thanks to mooring lines. The Var turbiditic system is under the influences of the Northern Current and of the Var river by a direct connection. Sedimentary processes are related to gravity-driven currents, oceanic currents which remobilizes sediments and hemipelagic decantation. Gravity-driven processes are dominant and are responsible of 80% of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Var; Méditerranée; Bassin Ligure; Système turbiditique; Processus gravitaires; Courant de turbidité; Hyperpycnal; Crue; Var; Méditerranée; Ligurian Basin; Turbiditic system; Gravity-driven flows; Turbidity flows; Hyperpycnal; Flood.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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