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Fauna Parasitológica Paranaense: IV. Lista Prévia da Ocorrência de Helmintos em Animais Domésticos BABT
Giovannoni,Milton; Kubiak,Gastão V. L..
The authors present a list of helmints found in 161 necropsis, performed in the Instituto de Biologia e Pesquisas Tecnológicas, employing animals relieved from other services. In a table, are assembled the data in groups, used to call the attention of the technicians from the Animal Sanitary Defense for their observation.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Helmints; Domestic animals; Animal parasitology.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Occurrence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from domestic animals from Southern Ecuador Ciência Rural
Toledo,Zorayda; Simaluiza,Rosa Janneth; Fernández,Heriberto.
ABSTRACT: Occurrence and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli strains isolated from fecal samples of dogs, pigs, cows and hens in southern Ecuador were studied. Of the 250 samples studied, 84 (33.6%) were Campylobacter positive, with C. jejuni being more frequent (78.6%) than C. coli (21.4%), with the exception of porcine samples, from which C. coli was the only species isolated. Multidrug resistance was reported in 10 Campylobacter strains (11.9%), four C. jejuni and six C. coli, and was always associated with nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin resistance. All of the amoxicillin-resistant strains were susceptible to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and were therefore beta-lactamase producers. However, one strain of C. jejuni...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Campylobacter; Reservoirs; Domestic animals; Antimicrobial resistance.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Identification of selection signatures in livestock species Genet. Mol. Biol.
Gouveia,João José de Simoni; Silva,Marcos Vinicius Gualberto Barbosa da; Paiva,Samuel Rezende; Oliveira,Sônia Maria Pinheiro de.
The identification of regions that have undergone selection is one of the principal goals of theoretical and applied evolutionary genetics. Such studies can also provide information about the evolutionary processes involved in shaping genomes, as well as physical and functional information about genes/genomic regions. Domestication followed by breed formation and selection schemes has allowed the formation of very diverse livestock breeds adapted to a wide variety of environments and with special characteristics. The advances in genomics in the last five years have enabled the development of several methods to detect selection signatures and have resulted in the publication of a considerable number of studies involving livestock species. The aims of this...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial selection; Domestic animals; Selective sweep.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Anais... Infoteca-e
O Simpósio sobre Conservação e Utilização de Recursos Zoogenéticos Locais é um evento internacional anual, aberto a participação de estudantes, produtores rurais, técnicos, pesquisadores, além de outros segmentos de interesse com temas relacionados aos recursos zoogenéticos locais (RZL). Este documento pretende disponibilizar ao leitor uma informação pontual sobre o trabalho que vem sendo desenvolvido sobre os diferentes temas relacionados a RZL e a oportunidade de contactar os profissionais responsáveis.
Tipo: Anais e Proceedings de eventos Palavras-chave: Raça; Animal Domestico; Pesquisa; Animal breeding; Domestic animals; Animal research.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Melhoramento genético animal no Brasil: fundamentos, história e importância. Infoteca-e
O trabalho procurou apresentar de forma simples e objetiva os princípios e fundamentos do melhoramento genético, ao mesmo tempo que descreve a trajetória histórica do melhoramento animal no Brasil enfatizando sua importância e contribuições. As discussões foram apresentadas com o intuito de possibilitar melhor entendimento do papel fundamental que a genética representa, principalmente, nesse momento de grandes transformações que estão constantemente a exigir, como resultados das iniciativas tomadas em quaisquer segmentos das diversas cadeias produtivas que envolvem animais domésticos, mais acuracia e eficiência. Para isso, conceitos básicos como seleção e cruzamento são apresentados, bem como introduzem-se discussões acerca de variabilidade genética, valor...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Melhoramento genético; Brasil; Animal Domestico; Historia; Domestic animals; Brazil; Breeding; History.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting cattle and some other domestic and wild hosts on the French Mediterranean island of Corsica ArchiMer
Grech-angelini, Sebastien; Stachurski, Frederic; Lancelot, Renaud; Boissier, Jerome; Allienne, Jean-francois; Marco, Sylvain; Maestrini, Oscar; Uilenberg, Gerrit.
Background: Corsica is a mountainous French island in the north-western Mediterranean presenting a large diversity of natural environments where many interactions between domestic animals and wild fauna occur. Despite a favourable context for ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBDs), the tick fauna of Corsica has not systematically been investigated. Methods: For one year (May 2014-May 2015), a survey of ticks infesting cattle was performed in the three Corsican cattle slaughterhouses. Two of these were visited monthly and one quarterly; the ticks were manually collected, just after flaying. Ticks were identified on their morphology; when necessary, some specimens were also molecularly identified by sequencing mitochondrial cox1 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ticks (Ixodidae); Cattle; Domestic animals; Wild animals; Molecular identification; Corsica.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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