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Caractérisation des ADN polymérases de Pyrococcus abyssi en présence de matrices ADN endommagées ArchiMer
Palud, Adeline.
Hyperthermophilic archaea cope with harsh conditions such as high temperatures, high pressures, pH shifts and ionising radiations. Such environments favour the apparition of DNA lesions like apurinic (AP) sites or oxidized DNA bases (8-oxo-dG and 8-oxo-dA). Here, Pyrococcus abyssi (Pab) was used as an attractive model to analyse the impact of such lesions onto the maintenance of genome integrity. The first part aimed at detecting DNA damages in the genome of Pab: -Endogenous AP sites and the oxidized DNA base 8-oxo-dG persist at a slightly higher level in Pab genome compared with Escherichia coli. -Under oxydative stress conditions performed in a gas-lift bioreactor for the first time, the 8-oxo-dG increasing rate is correlated to the important cell...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PCR on damaged DNA; Gas lift bioreactor; Detection of lesions; Translesion; 8 oxo dGTP; 8 oxo dA; 8 oxo dG; AP sites; Archaea; DNA polymerases; PCR sur ADN endommagé; Bioréacteur gas lift; Détection de lésions; Translésion; 8 oxo dGTP; 8 oxo dA; 8 oxo dG; Sites AP; Archaea; ADN polymérases.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Optimisation of growth conditions for continuous culture of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus hydrothermalis and development of sulphur-free defined and minimal media ArchiMer
Postec, Anne; Pignet, Patricia; Cueff-gauchard, Valerie; Schmitt, Anne; Querellou, Joel; Godfroy, Anne.
The hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus hydrothermalis was cultivated in continuous culture in a gas-lift bioreactor in the absence of elemental sulphur on both proteinaceous and maltose-containing media. Optimal conditions (pH, temperature and gas flow rate), determined on complex media that yielded maximal growth rate and maximal steady state cell density, were obtained at 80degreesC, pH 6 and gas sparging at 0.2 v v(-1) min(-1). Higher steady state cell densities were obtained on a medium containing maltose and yeast extract. In order to design a defined and minimal media, the nutritional requirements of T hydrothermalis were then investigated using continuous culture in the absence of elemental sulphur in the gas-lift bioreactor. First, the complex...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioreactor; Defined and minimal media; Culture optimisation; Gas lift bioreactor; Thermococcus hydrothermalis.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Diversite de populations microbiennes thermophiles d'une cheminée hydrothermale océanique profonde : cultures d'enrichissement en bioréacteur et isolement d'espèces nouvelles ArchiMer
Postec, Anne.
To explore the microbial diversity at deep sea vents, molecular techniques based on the analysis of the gene coding the 16S ribosomal RNA permitted to highlight a large archaeal and bacterial diversity. Nevertheless, the diversity of the hydrothermal microorganisms cultivated to date remains much lower than the diversity described with molecular tools. Innovative methods should therefore be used in order to cultivate new microorganisms, and also determine their metabolic properties and their potential role in the ecosystem. That was the purpose of this study: a bioreactor gas-lift was used to perform enrichment cultures in continuous, during 50 days, in thermophilic (60°C) and hyperthermophilic (90°C) conditions. A hydrothermal chimney sample (Rainbow...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Strain isolation and characterization; Hybridization; Sequencing; Cloning; DGGE; Gas lift bioreactor; Enrichment cultures; Deep sea hydrothermal vents; Bacteria; Archaea; Diversity; Isolement et caractérisation de souche; Hybridation; Séquençage; Clonage; DGGE; Bioréacteur gas lift; Cultures d'enrichissement; Sources hydrothermales océaniques profondes; Bacteria; Archaea; Diversité.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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