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Pelagic and littoral cladocerans (Crustacea, Anomopoda and Ctenopoda) from reservoirs of the Northwest of São Paulo State, Brazil Biota Neotropica
Castilho-Noll,Maria Stela Maioli; Câmara,Carolina Figueira; Chicone,Maira Favaron; Shibata,Érico Hissashi.
There are few studies on the zooplankton from the northwestern region of São Paulo State, Brazil, compared to other regions of the State. Cladocerans are a very representative zooplankton group with high species diversity. Most of this diversity can be found at littoral zones of lakes and reservoirs, especially those occupied by macrophytes. This study was part of a thematic project FAPESP/BIOTA Program - The Virtual Institute of Biodiversity (, and its aim is to catalogue and analyze the distribution of cladoceran species (Crustacea, Anomopoda and Ctenopoda) in pelagic and littoral zones from small reservoirs in the northwest of the São Paulo State, in dry and rainy seasons. Zooplankton samplings were carried out in littoral and pelagic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cladocerans; Chydoridae; Littoral zone; Macrophyte; Northwest of São Paulo State; Shallow lakes.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Белки, аминокислоты и углеводы в прибрежных наносах Севастопольской бухты Черного моря IBSS Repository
Миронов, О. Г.; Гапонюк, Т. О.; Муравьева, И. П.; Замыслова, Т. Н..
В прибрежных наносах линии уреза северного побережья Севастопольской бухты впервые определено содержание белков, аминокислот и углеводов. Установлено преобладание количества белков над углеводами, в то время как в море в целом преобладают углеводные соединения. Если в целом в Севастопольской бухте наблюдаются сезонные колебания концентрации органических веществ, то в условиях наносов, постоянно омывающихся морской водой, сезонная динамика не наблюдается. Отношение концентрации углеводов к белку в наносах составляет десятые и сотые доли, что в десятки раз ниже, чем в поверхностном слое грунтов как открытого моря, так и бухт. Средняя концентрация белков и углеводов в наносах выше, чем в грунтах того же механического состава.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Белки; Аминокислоты; Углеводы; Прибрежные наносы; Черное море; Proteins; Amino acids; Carbohydrates; Marine deposits; Littoral zone; Black Sea Littoral zone Carbohydrates Amino acids Proteins Carbohydrates Amino acids Proteins
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Le complexe «Dinophysis acuminata»: identification des espèces le long des côtes françaises ArchiMer
Lassus, Patrick; Bardouil, Michele.
From seawater samples collected between 1984 and 1989 in 12 French coastal areas, a morphometric study have been realised on Dinophysis genera restricted to "acuminata" like species. Simple morphological criterias are given as suitable for discrimination of four dominant species occurring during toxic episodes in shellfish farms (Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning): Dinophysis c-closed-integral. sacculus, D. c-closed-integral. acuminata, Dinophysis sp. and D. c-closed-integral. norvegica. This last species cannot be included in the "acuminata complex" and produces temporary blooms along southern Brittany coasts. Pending a more precise diagnosis it is recommended to clarify the relationship between toxin composition and each species previously described.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Europe; Thallophyta; Algae; Répartition géographique; Systématique; Morphométrie; France; Zone littorale; Identification spécifique; Pyrrophycophyta; Répartition géographique; Systématique; Morphométrie; France; Zone littorale; Identification spécifique; Pyrrophycophyta; Dinophysis; Répartition géographique; Systématique; Europe; Thallophyta; Algae; Geographic distribution; Taxonomy; Morphometry; France; Littoral zone; Specific identification; Pyrrophycophyta; Geographic distribution; Taxonomy; Morphometry; France; Littoral zone; Specific identification; Pyrrophycophyta; Geographic distribution; Taxonomy; Morphometry.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Diversidad, densidad y biomasa de la macrofauna componente de los fondos de pesca 'camaron-langostino', frente a Mar del Plata, Argentina (1998-1999) OceanDocs
Scelzo, M.A.; Martínez Arca, J.; Lucero, N.M..
The seasonal variation of diversity, density and biomass of the main species of the bentho-demersal fauna present in the 'prawn-shrimp' fishing grounds in the coastal sector between Cabo Corrientes and Torreon del Monje, Mar del Plata (38 degree S-57 degree W), Argentina, was studied. The quali-quantitative information obtained allowed to know the fluctuations of the bentho-demersal components of the community. The study included the annual cycle between April 1998-April 1999. Monthly samples at different depths (4-10 m) and distance from the coast (500 and 1,000 m) were obtained in two stations using a bottom net. Sampling in each station lasted 15 minutes and covered 2,400 m super(2). Number of specimens and weight for each species were recorded....
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zoobenthos; Fishing grounds; Biomass; Abundance; Littoral zone; Species diversity; By catch; Biomass; Zoobenthos; Fishing grounds; Species diversity; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Inventario íctico del litoral costero bonaerense y uruguayo OceanDocs
Ruarte, C.O.; Rico, M.R.; Lucifora, L..
The bibliography and the registries of fish caught in the Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Uruguay coastal littoral area during 33 research cruises were analyzed to elaborate the first ichthyic inventory of the region. A total of 147 species belonging to 71 families was registered. The figure represents 48% of the specimens reported for the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone and 37% of the marine species mentioned for the SW Atlantic. The list of coastal marine fishes of Uruguay and north of Argentina is the first attempt to provide basic information to evaluate possible temporal changes of the ichthyic composition in the area. The lists or inventories constitute an essential tool for fisheries management, the generation of statistic data and gathering of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Check lists; Inventories; Exclusive economic zone; Littoral zone; Marine fish; Marine environment; Inventories; Marine environment; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Aphelodoris antillensis Berg, 1897 (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia: Dorididae), first record from the Colombian Caribbean OceanDocs
Quiroga, S.; Ardila, N.E.; Bolaños, M..
Aphelodoris antillensis Berg, 1897 es una especie ampliamente distribuida en el Mar Caribe. El especimen examinado fue colectado en el litoral rocoso de la Bahía de Neguanje, cerca de Santa Marta, sienda esta la primera vez que se registra éste género en el Caribe colombiano
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Littoral zone.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Estudio de las características sedimentológicas de la zona litoral comprendida entre Anconcito y General Villamil (Playas), Provincia del Guayas, Ecuador OceanDocs
Soledispa, B..
Cabe señalar que el presente artículo, ya que ha sido redactado sólo en base a los datos granulométricos, y parámetros estadísticos, sucederá otro, en el que se incluye, el estudio mineralógico y químico de los sedimentos.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Sediments; Beaches; Littoral zone; Beaches; Http://
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Looking through a dirty glass: how different can the characterization of a fish fauna be when distinct nets are used for sampling? Rev. Bras. Zool.
Ceni,Gianfranco; Vieira,João Paes.
The present study compares fish species composition, dominance, and size-structure patterns at an open sand beach area (32°15'S, 52°46'W) in Mirim Lake, RS, Brazil, estimated from samples collected with two distinct beach seine nets. The BS-9m net is 9 m long and 1.5 m high, and is made with a 5 mm multifilament mesh on its central portion and 12 mm on the side wings. The BS-30m net is 30 m long and 1.8 m high, with a 12 mm monofilament nylon mesh all over the net, except for a 30 cm strip made with a 12 mm multifilament mesh on the lower portion. Thirty hauls were performed with both nets resulting in a total of 849 fish captured, comprising 34 species. BS-9m was selective for individuals smaller than 60 mm TL and BS-30m for individuals larger than 60 mm...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Freshwater; Gear; Littoral zone; Sampler comparison.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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