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Echanges indo-atlantiques d'eau subtropicale en relation aux structures frontales et de méso-échelle: Utilisation de la série temporelle altimétrique de niveau de la mer ArchiMer
Dencausse, Guillaume.
Indo-Atlantic exchanges of subtropical water play a crucial role in controlling global climate. The intense mesoscale activity south of Africa contributes to these exchanges, yet remains poorly described. A commonly accepted circulation scheme of those waters assmues that the subtropical gyres of the neighbouring oceans are partially connected, forming a super-gyre. Using an altimeter-derived sea-level time series spanning over 12 years, we study the exchanges through the "northern branch" of the super-gyre (Indian to Atlantic ocean), and through the "southern branch" (opposite direction). Regarding the northern branch, an initial study of the Agulhas Current Retroflection yields a statistical description of its behaviour, and shows the disrupting role of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Courant des Aiguilles; Anneaux des Aiguilles; Front Subtropical; Retroflection; Altimétrie; Échanges indo-atlantiques; Mésoéchelle; Agulhas Current; Agulhas Rings; 3subtropical Front; Retroflection; Altimetry; Indo-atlantic exchanges; Mesoscale.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Satellite altimetry and ocean dynamics ArchiMer
Fu, Lee Lueng; Le Traon, Pierre-yves.
This paper provides a summary of recent results derived from satellite altimetry. It is focused on altimetry and ocean dynamics with synergistic use of other remote sensing techniques, in-situ data and integration aspects through data assimilation. Topics include mean ocean circulation and geoid issues, tropical dynamics and large-scale sea level and ocean circulation variability, high-frequency and intraseasonal variability, Rossby waves and mesoscale variability.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rossby waves; Large scale; Mesoscale; Sea level; Ocean dynamics; Satellite altimetry; Ondes de Rossby; Grande échelle; Mésoéchelle; Niveau de la mer; Dynamique de l'océan; Altimétrie satellitaire.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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