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Anesthesia and sedation of map treefrog (Hypsiboas geographicus) tadpoles with essential oils Ciência Rural
Salbego,Joseânia; Maia,Janna Laely dos Santos; Toni,Cândida; Rodrigues,Amanda Sousa Silva; Sousa,Elen Monique Oliveira; Silva,Lenise Vargas Flores da; Mourão,Rosa Helena Veras; Barata,Lauro Euclides Soares; Heinzmann,Berta Maria; Baldisserotto,Bernardo.
ABSTRACT: The goal of this study was to investigate the sedative and anesthetic properties of essential oils (EOs) in map treefrog tadpoles (Hypsiboas geographicus) and to determine the sedation and deep anesthesia induction times as well as the recovery time. The tadpoles were exposed to one of the EOs from three plant species: Aniba rosaeodora (EOAR - 25, 50, 100 or 200µL L-1), Lippia origanoides (EOLO - 13, 25, 50, 100 or 200µL L-1), and Lippia alba (either chemotype citral [EOL-C - 25, 50, 100 or 200µL L-1] or linalool [EOL-L - 50, 75, 100 or 200µL L-1]) (n = 8 per replicate). The tadpoles exposed to 25 and 50µL L-1 EOL-C and EOL-L, respectively, were not anesthetized within 30min (the maximum time of observation), and those exposed to 200µL L-1 EOLO...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amphibians; Animal welfare; Natural anesthetics.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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