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The Environmental Impacts of Electricity Restructuring: Looking Back and Looking Forward AgEcon
Palmer, Karen L.; Burtraw, Dallas.
In the mid-1990s, when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was preparing to release Order 888 requiring open access to the transmission grid, the commission, environmental groups, and the Environmental Protection Agency, among others, raised the question of how open access and greater competition in wholesale electricity markets might affect the environment. If open access worked as expected, underutilized older coal-fired generators in the Midwest and elsewhere might find new markets for their power, leading to associated increases in air pollution emissions. Restructuring also might lead to retirements of inefficient nuclear facilities, whose generation would be replaced by fossil generation, further increasing emissions. On the other hand, some...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Electricity; Electric utilities; Regulation; Competition; Environment; Air pollution; Natural gas; Coal; Nuclear; Renewables; Customer choice; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; L51; L94; L98.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Economic Evaluation of Wind Energy as an Alternative to Natural Gas Powered Irrigation AgEcon
Guerrero, Bridget L.; Amosson, Stephen H.; Marek, Thomas H.; Johnson, Jeffrey W..
High natural gas prices have agricultural producers searching for alternative energy sources for irrigation. The economic feasibility of electric and hybrid (electric/wind) systems are evaluated as alternatives to natural gas powered irrigation. Texas Panhandle and Southern Kansas farms are assessed with a quarter-mile sprinkler system, three crops, and two pumping lifts. Breakeven points identify the price at which conversion from a natural gas irrigation system to an electric or hybrid system is cost effective. Results indicate electricity is a more feasible energy source for irrigation and policy changes such as net metering are necessary to make hybrid systems viable.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Electricity; Irrigation; Natural gas; Wind energy; Agribusiness; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; International Development; Land Economics/Use; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q12; Q20; Q42.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Transparencia de los ingresos y pagos en las industrias extractivas AgEcon
Kuramoto, Juana R..
El aumento de la inversión en industrias extractivas durante los noventa generó importantes beneficios macroeconómicos para el país. Sin embargo, éstos no han logrado traducirse en un mayor desarrollo y bienestar económico de las regiones y localidades. Esta situación, que se repite en casi todos los países dependientes de recursos naturales, ha desenterrado la idea de que contar con una dotación importante de recursos termina siendo una maldición. Afortunadamente, diferentes estudios señalan que este escaso impacto en el desarrollo se debe más bien al mal uso de los ingresos generados por las industrias extractivas. Frente a esto, varios organismos e instituciones internacionales han lanzado campañas para promover la transparencia de los ingresos...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Empresas mineras; Industria petrolera; Gas natural; Ingresos fiscales; Control fiscal; Regulación económica; Aspectos legales; Perú; Mining companies; Petroleum industry; Natural gas; Tax revenues; Tax control; Economic regulation; Legal aspects; Peru; Industrial Organization; Production Economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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A Net Present Value Model of Natural Gas Exploitation in Northern Alberta: An Analysis of Land Values in Woodland Caribou Ranges AgEcon
Hauer, Grant; Adamowicz, Wiktor L.; Jagodzinski, Robert.
This report was prepared for the purpose of providing background documentation of inputs to be used in mathematical programming models and papers, which are being prepared for our research project: Ecological and economic tradeoff analysis of conservation strategies for woodland caribou. The report presents a simple net present value model of resource and land value for natural gas in northern Alberta. The variables in the model include costs (drilling, seismic, operating and capital); geological variables (stratigraphic intervals, booked reserves, future reserves); drilling variables (well densities, drilling success rates, and drilling depths); production data and prices. Each variable is described in detail and methods of derivation are provided. A map...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Net present value; Energy reserves; Natural gas; Caribou; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q49; Q32; Q57.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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