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Microbial hydrogen production potential in shallow oceanic nepheloid layers. ArchiMer
Schwarz, J; Loeblich, L; Schropp, S.
Seawater samples taken from shallow suspended particle maxima (20-57m) at or near the base of the surface mixed layer in various oceanic areas were tested for their potential to produce hydrogen (H sub(2)) gas. Results suggest that hydrogen can be bacterially produced through a fermentative process in microanaerobic niches within particulate matter. The organisms responsible for this process are ubiquitous within the temperate and tropical waters sampled. Enumeration of potential H sub(2)-producing bacteria using fluorescent antibody techniques yielded a maximum at the base of the surface mixed layer, the same depth where the greatest H sub(2) gas production potential was observed. Hydrogen-producing bacteria comprised up to 15% of the total bacterial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Suspended particulate matter; Sea water; Gases; Biogeochemistry; Biogenic material; Hydrogen; Anaerobic bacteria; Nepheloid layer; Fermentation.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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