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Catecholamine response to exercise in individuals with different levels of paraplegia BJMBR
Steinberg,L.L.; Lauro,F.A.A.; Sposito,M.M.M.; Tufik,S.; Mello,M.T.; Naffah-Mazzacoratti,M.G.; Cavalheiro,E.A.; Silva,A.C..
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the level of injury on the serum level of norepinephrine (Nor) and epinephrine (Epi) at rest and after maximal exercise in individuals with paraplegia. Twenty-six male spinal cord-injured subjects with complete paraplegia for at least 9 months were divided into two groups of 13 subjects each according to the level of injury, i.e., T1-T6 and T7-T12. Serum Nor and Epi concentrations were measured by HPLC-ECD, at rest (PRE) and immediately after a maximal ergospirometric test (POST). Statistical analysis was performed using parametric and non-parametric tests. Maximal heart rate, peak oxygen uptake, and PRE and POST Nor were lower in the T1-T6 than in the T7-T12 group (166 ± 28 vs 188 ± 10 bpm; 18.0 ±...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Catecholamines; Paraplegia; Exercise; Norepinephrine; Epinephrine; Spinal cord injury.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Stress-related hormone norepinephrine induces interleukin-6 expression in GES-1 cells BJMBR
Yang,R.; Lin,Q.; Gao,H.B.; Zhang,P..
In the current literature, there is evidence that psychological factors can affect the incidence and progression of some cancers. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is known to be elevated in individuals experiencing chronic stress and is also involved in oncogenesis and cancer progression. However, the precise mechanism of IL-6 induction by the stress-related hormone norepinephrine (NE) is not clear, and, furthermore, there are no reports about the effect of NE on IL-6 expression in gastric epithelial cells. In this study, we examined the effect of NE on IL-6 expression in immortalized human gastric epithelial cells (GES-1 cells). Using real-time PCR and enzyme-linked immunoassay, we demonstrated that NE can induce IL-6 mRNA and protein expression in GES-1 cells. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Norepinephrine; GES-1 cells; Interleukin-6.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The inhibitory role of sympathetic nervous system in the Ca2+-dependent proteolysis of skeletal muscle BJMBR
Navegantes,L.C.C.; Baviera,A.M.; Kettelhut,I.C..
Mammalian cells contain several proteolytic systems to carry out the degradative processes and complex regulatory mechanisms to prevent excessive protein breakdown. Among these systems, the Ca2+-activated proteolytic system involves the cysteine proteases denoted calpains, and their inhibitor, calpastatin. Despite the rapid progress in molecular research on calpains and calpastatin, the physiological role and regulatory mechanisms of these proteins remain obscure. Interest in the adrenergic effect on Ca2+-dependent proteolysis has been stimulated by the finding that the administration of β2-agonists induces muscle hypertrophy and prevents the loss of muscle mass in a variety of pathologic conditions in which calpains are activated. This review summarizes...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Epinephrine; Norepinephrine; Calpastatin; Calpain; Skeletal muscle.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Role of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis in the control of the response to stress and infection BJMBR
McCann,S.M.; Antunes-Rodrigues,J.; Franci,C.R.; Anselmo-Franci,J.A.; Karanth,S.; Rettori,V..
The release of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) from the corticotrophs is controlled principally by vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). Oxytocin may augment the release of ACTH under certain conditions, whereas atrial natriuretic peptide acts as a corticotropin release-inhibiting factor to inhibit ACTH release by direct action on the pituitary. Glucocorticoids act on their receptors within the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland to suppress the release of vasopressin and CRH and the release of ACTH in response to these neuropeptides. CRH neurons in the paraventricular nucleus also project to the cerebral cortex and subcortical regions and to the locus ceruleus (LC) in the brain stem. Cortical influences via the limbic system and possibly...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH); Vasopressin; Oxytocin; Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP); ACTH; Cortisol; Norepinephrine; Acetyl choline; Nitric oxide.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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The neurobiology of infant maternal odor learning BJMBR
Raineki,C.; Pickenhagen,A.; Roth,T.L.; Babstock,D.M.; McLean,J.H.; Harley,C.W.; Lucion,A.B.; Sullivan,R.M..
Infant rats must learn to identify their mother’s diet-dependent odor. Once learned, maternal odor controls pups’ approach to the mother, their social behavior and nipple attachment. Here we present a review of the research from four different laboratories, which suggests that neural and behavioral responses to the natural maternal odor and neonatal learned odors are similar. Together, these data indicate that pups have a unique learning circuit relying on the olfactory bulb for neural plasticity and on the hyperfunctioning noradrenergic locus coeruleus flooding the olfactory bulb with norepinephrine to support the neural changes. Another important factor making this system unique is the inability of the amygdala to become incorporated into the infant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Maternal odor; Olfactory bulb; Norepinephrine; Attachment; Locus coeruleus; Amygdala.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Hemodynamic and hormonal actions of adrenomedullin BJMBR
Adrenomedullin, a 52-amino acid residue peptide, has numerous biological actions which are of potential importance to cardiovascular homeostasis, growth and development of cardiovascular tissues and bone, prevention of infection, and regulation of body fluid and electrolyte balance. Studies in man using intravenous infusion of the peptide have demonstrated that, at plasma levels detected after myocardial infarction or in heart failure, adrenomedullin reduces arterial pressure, increases heart rate and cardiac output, and activates the sympathetic and renin-angiotensin systems but suppresses aldosterone. The thresholds for these responses differ, being lower under some experimental circumstances for arterial pressure than for the other biological effects....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adrenomedullin; Hypertension; Heart failure; Aldosterone; Renin; Norepinephrine.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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