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Spatial and temporal trends of sea surface temperature in the northwest African region ArchiMer
Ould-dedah, S; Wiseman, Wj; Shaw, Rf.
The timing and structure of sea surface temperature (SST) changes were investigated using data from the continental shelf of the northwest African region and from coastal stations in Mauritania. Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis of the data revealed differences between northern regions with permanent upwelling, and southern regions where the upwelling is seasonal. It is then hypothesized that shifts in the onset and duration of upwelling may be occurring. Furthermore, the Mauritanian shelf area, a transition zone between the northern and southern regions, appears to go through a series of cooling and warming trends, which seem to be part of a long-term process affecting the northwest African coast. In this regard. it is shown that there is a strong...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Température superficielle; Upwelling; Tendance; Mauritanie; Afrique du Nord-Ouest; Sea surface temperature; Upwelling; Trends; Mauritania; Northwest Africa.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Northwest African upwelling scenario ArchiMer
Hagen, E.
Observations, hypotheses and derived scenarios are discussed for the Northwest-African coastal upwelling area. The process of coastal upwelling is considered to be composed of a climatic steady-state part and fluctuations acting on different spatial and temporal scales. Attention is focused on disturbances acting globally on the inter-annual time-scale. EI Nino-like changes occur in the system of trade winds and modify the equatorial regime of currents as well as the coastal upwelling regimes on both flanks of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone. There is an opposite thermal response in near-surface layers along the zonal coast in the Gulf of Guinea and along the meridional coast off NW-Africa. Off the continental slope of Senegal and Mauritania, the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Afrique occidentale; Alizé du nord-est; Upwelling côtier; Sous-courant sud-nord; ENSO; Northwest Africa; Northeast trade wind; Coastal upwelling; Poleward undercurrent; ENSO.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Near-surface structures in the Cape Ghir filament off Morocco ArchiMer
Hagen, E; Zulicke, C; Feistel, R.
A meso-scale CTD survey was conducted off Cape Ghir (31 degrees N) from 29 September to 3 October 1992, with the inspection of mass-field structures in the 300 dbar layer as its main objective, and relatively large tongue of cold surface water as the subject of investigation. This filament of upwelled water extends about 200 km seaward from the coastal zone of Morocco. Our CTD survey included two zonal transects 213 km in length, sampled synchronously by R/Vs Hudson along 31 degrees 30' N and A. v.Humboldt along 30 degrees 30' N. A meridional section followed the shelf edge at 10 degrees 10' W, and five zigzag sections were carried out above the Cape Ghir Plateau (CGP). Data resulting from an extended transect, sampled ten days earlier between 9 degrees...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal upwelling; Filament; Northwest Africa; Water mass; Eddy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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