Grand, Maxime M.; Laes, Agathe; Fietz, Susanne; Resing, Joseph A.; Obata, Hajime; Luther, George W.; Tagliabue, Alessandro; Achterberg, Eric P.; Middag, Rob; Tovar-sánchez, Antonio; Bowie, Andrew R.. |
Trace metal micronutrients are integral to the functioning of marine ecosystems and the export of particulate carbon to the deep ocean. Although much progress has been made in mapping the distributions of metal micronutrients throughout the ocean over the last 30 years, there remain information gaps, most notable during seasonal transitions and in remote regions. The next challenge is to develop in situ sensing technologies necessary to capture the spatial and temporal variabilities of micronutrients characterized with short residence times, highly variable source terms, and sub-nanomolar concentrations in open ocean settings. Such an effort will allow investigation of the biogeochemical processes at the necessary resolution to constrain fluxes, residence... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Trace metals; Micronutrients; In situ chemical analyzers; In situ sensors; GEOTRACES; OceanObs'19; Ocean observing time series. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00482/59337/62116.pdf |
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