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Hyperventilation in panic disorder patients and healthy first-degree relatives BJMBR
Nardi,A.E.; Valença,A.M.; Nascimento,I.; Mezzasalma,M.A.; Lopes,F.L.; Zin,W.A..
Our aim was to observe the induction of panic attacks by a hyperventilation challenge test in panic disorder patients (DSM-IV) and their healthy first-degree relatives. We randomly selected 25 panic disorder patients, 31 healthy first-degree relatives of probands with panic disorder and 26 normal volunteers with no family history of panic disorder. All patients had no psychotropic drugs for at least one week. They were induced to hyperventilate (30 breaths/min) for 4 min and anxiety scales were applied before and after the test. A total of 44.0% (N = 11) panic disorder patients, 16.1% (N = 5) of first-degree relatives and 11.5% (N = 3) of control subjects had a panic attack after hyperventilating (chi² = 8.93, d.f. = 2, P = 0.011). In this challenge test...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Panic attacks; Respiration; Anxiety disorder; Ventilation.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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