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Akimotoite in the Tenham meteorite: Crystal chemistry and high-pressure transformation mechanisms ArchiMer
Ferroir, T; Beck, P; Van De Moortele, B; Bohn, Marcel; Reynard, B; Simionovici, A; El Goresy, A; Gillet, P.
The transformation of pyroxene to its high-pressure polymorph akimotoite (MgSiO3 ilmenite type structure) is documented in the shock-induced melt veins of the L6 Tenham chondrite. Four textural relationships between pyroxene and akimotoite are observed in former pyroxene grains entrained in the shear melt vein and in pyroxene grains attached to the wall of the melt vein. In one of the entrained enstatite grains the transformation to akimotoite is partial. One third of the grain is transformed to a polycrystalline aggregate of akimotoite with a scalloped interface with enstatite. Akimotoite (Fe0.4Mg1.24Ca0.07Na0.12Al0.14)(Si1.963Al0.037)O-6 is slightly enriched in Ca (CaO = 1.74%), Al and Na with respect to enstatite (CaO = 0.71%). Narrow bands of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Perovskite; Akimotoite; Shock melt vein; Chondrite; Tenham.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Micromorphology and Genesis of Soils from Topolitosequences in the Brazilian Central Plateau Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Rolim Neto,Fernando Cartaxo; Schaefer,Carlos Ernesto Gonçalves Reynaud; Camêlo,Danilo de Lima; Corrêa,Marcelo Metri; Parahyba,Roberto da Boa Viagem; Caldas,Anildo Monteiro; Ibraimo,Anifo Soares Mamudo.
ABSTRACT The micromorphology of deeply weathered soils (Ferralsols/ Latossolos ) from the Central Plateau of Brazil remains little studied, and its affiliation to different parent materials, poorly known. To clarify the processes of soil formation of these acric, gibbsitic, Fe-oxide rich Ferralsols, three lithotoposequences on local ultrabasic to basic intrusive rocks were studied. The influences of mixing and pedobioturbation are evident in all soils, and Ferralsols of the Central Plateau of Brazil are polygenetic, based on the coarse mineral composition, with ultrabasic and metapelitic rock contributions. The typical oxic microstructure with stable microaggregates encompasses a gibbsite/Fe rich micromass with random inclusions of charcoal, allochthonous...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ferralsols; Cambisols; Mafic rocks; Ultramafics; Perovskite; Tropical soils.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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