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Estudios químicos y bacteriológicos del río Baradero (Argentina): calidad sanitaria del agua y aptitud de los peces para consumo humano OceanDocs
Costagliola, M.; Seigneur, G.N.; Jurquiza, V..
As a result of an agreement signed by the Municipal Government of Baradero Buenos Aires Province, Argentina and the INIDEP, the sanitary quality of the Baradero River waters was studied and fish safety assessed. Results of five field surveys carried out between 1993 and 1997 are studied. Organochlorine and organophosphorate pesticide residues, as well as traces of heavy metals were analyzed in 49 fish specimens and aerobic heterotrophic bacteria (AHB), total coliform bacteria (TC) and fecal coliform bacteria (FC) were counted out in 7 sampling stations placed on the coast and the riverbed. Alpha Hexachlorohexane, gamma Hexachlorohexane, beta Hexachlorohexane, Aldrin, Heptachlor epoxide, pp'DDE and Dieldrin were detected in fish tissues. The values of AHB...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Freshwater pollution; Pollution surveys; Chemical analysis; Water analysis; Microbiological analysis; Pesticides; Public health; Pathogenic bacteria; Pesticides; Public health; Water analysis; Microbiological analysis; Pathogenic bacteria; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Levels of Cadmium and Lead in Water, Sediments and Selected Fish Species in Mombasa, Kenya OceanDocs
Mwashote, B.M..
Flame absorption spectrophotometry was used to investigate the concentration and distribution of cadmium and lead in water, sediments and selected fish species in Makupa and Tudor creeks in Mombasa, Kenya between May 1997 and March 1998. The results were compared with those obtained in relatively less anthropogenically influenced areas along the Kenyan coast. The mean concentrations for Pb ranged from not detectable (nd) to 0.012 mg/l, 0.2 to 58.0 mg/kg and nd to 59.3 mg/kg in water, sediment and fish samples respectively. Cadmium concentrations in water were generally below detection limits, while in sediment and fish samples, they ranged from nd to 1.0 mg/kg and nd to 3.7 mg/kg respectively. Overall, Pb and Cd concentrations were low in the water column...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Pollution surveys; Minerals; Environmental pollution; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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