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Bilan des suivis annuels des pêcheries dites "traditionnelles" sur le secteur de l'Hermitage-La Saline de 1999 à 2018 ArchiMer
Roos, David; Rungassamy, Tevamie; Huet, Jerome.
A diagnosis of recreational fisheries is carried out each year on the reef flat area of the Hermitage / La Saline managed by the Natural Marine Reserve of Reunion. The evolution of beach seine, fishing-rod and stick fishing activities, in terms of fishing effort and catch was analyzed. The status of exploited stocks differs according to the fishing technique. In 2018, the annual trend of catch per unit of effort indices showed 1°) an increase in the abundances of goatfish fished with beach seine, 2°) a relative stability with the fishing-rod practice and 3°) a constant decrease in octopus yields for stick fishermen. The honeycomb groupers size structure, targeted by fishing-rod fishermen, has improved. Octopus showed a decrease of larger specimens. Thus,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêcherie récréative; Senne de plage; Capucins nains; Mulloidichthys flavolineatus; Pêche à la gaulette; Epinephelus merra; Poulpe; Octopus cyanea; Aire Marine Protégée (AMP); Réserve Marine; La Réunion; Recreational fisheries; Beach seine; Yellowstripe goatfish; Mulloidichthys flavolineatus; Fishing-rod; Epinephelus merra; Octopus; Octopus cyanea; MPA; Marine Reserve; Reunion island.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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