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Changes in Mammalian Body Length over 175 Years—Adaptations to a Fragmented Landscape? Ecology and Society
Schmidt, Niels Martin; Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University;; Jensen, Per Moestrup; Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University;
The potential consequences of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation on species diversity and extinction have drawn considerable attention in recent decades. In many cases, traditional island biogeography theory has been applied to explain the observed patterns. Here, we propose that habitat fragmentation as a selective force can be traced in mammalian body length changes. By exploring historical sources, we are able to show that the body length of Danish mammals has altered over a period of 175 years, possibly in response to increasing habitat fragmentation. The rate of body length change was generally lowest in medium-sized mammals, and increased with both smaller and larger body mass. Small mammals have generally increased, whereas large mammals have...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Body length; Habitat fragmentation; Island biogeography; Island rule; Mammalia; Reproductive capacity; Size-specific mortality; Traffic.
Ano: 2003
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Latitudinal thermal gradient effect on the cost of living of the intertidal porcelain crab Petrolisthes granulosus ArchiMer
Monaco, Cristian; Brokordt, Katherina B.; Gaymer, Carlos F..
Species with wide latitudinal distributions are exposed to significant abiotic gradients throughout their geographic range. Thermal gradients are especially important for ectothermic species inhabiting the intertidal zone because they affect their life history traits and fitness. In order to identify the role of latitudinal thermal gradients (specifically the exposition to different thermal maximums) in the cost of living of intertidal crustaceans, we compared specific fitness-related traits, such as body size and reproductive capacity (reproductive output, size at onset of sexual maturity and egg volume) in Petrolisthes granulosus individuals from 3 sites across an extensive latitudinal gradient (covering similar to 50% of its total distributional range):...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cost of living; Latitudinal thermal gradient; Body size; Reproductive capacity; Metabolic rate; Crabs; Petrolisthes granulosus; Rocky intertidal.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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