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From the Phylogeny of the Satyrinae Butterflies to the Systematics of Euptychiina (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): History, Progress and Prospects Neotropical Entomology
Marín,MA; Peña,C; Freitas,AVL; Wahlberg,N; Uribe,SI.
We review the various proposals of evolutionary and classification schemes for Satyrinae and particularly Euptychiina butterflies, assessing progress and prospects of research for the group. Among the highlights is the proposal to include Morphini, Brassolini and Amathusiini as part of Satyrinae. Although it is clear that this hypothesis requires further investigation, phylogenetic studies recently conducted recover this clade as part of Satyrinae with high support. The phylogenetic analyses for Euptychiina carried out to date recover the monophyly of the group and have identified a variety of genera as non-monophyletic. Further work is necessary to resolve the position of the subtribe and the evolutionary relationships of several genera.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brassolinae; Morphinae; Neotropics; Rapid radiation; Satyrini.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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'Species' from two different butterfly genera combined into one: description of a new genus of Euptychiina (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) with unusually variable wing pattern Rev. Bras. entomol.
Freitas,André Victor Lucci; Barbosa,Eduardo Proença; Willmott,Keith Richard; Wahlberg,Niklas; Lamas,Gerardo.
ABSTRACT Sepona Freitas and Barbosa, gen. nov. is proposed for the Neotropical satyrine butterfly species Euptychia punctataWeymer, 1911 and its junior subjective synonyms Euptychia griseolaWeymer, 1911 and Taygetis indecisa Ribeiro, 1931. The new genus has a distinctive wing pattern and shape of the valvae in the male genitalia, the latter being a unique autapomorphy within the subtribe Euptychiina. Based on molecular data, this genus is not sister to any other single euptychiine genus, instead appearing as the sister to all remaining genera in the Taygetis clade. The present paper illustrates the complexity of the taxonomy of Euptychiina, and the importance of using different sources of evidence in taxonomic studies.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Harjesia; Integrative taxonomy; Pseudodebis; Satyrini; Yphthimoides.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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A new genus, Atlanteuptychia gen. nov., for Euptychia ernestina (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) Rev. Bras. Zool.
Freitas,André V. L.; Barbosa,Eduardo P.; Santos,Jessie P.; Mielke,Olaf H. H..
Atlanteuptychia Freitas, Barbosa & Mielke, gen. nov. is proposed for Euptychia ernestina Weymer, 1911 and illustrated. This taxon lacks the posterior projection of the tegumen, a synapomorphy of Euptychia Hübner, 1818, and does not share morphological synapomorphies with Cyllopsis R. Felder, 1869 and Paramacera Butler, 1868, two Central American genera apparently closely related to Euptychia ernestina, based on molecular data. This evidence supports the proposition of a new genus endemic to the Atlantic Forest, A. ernestina stat. nov.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic Forest; Butterfly; Euptychiina; Satyrini.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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