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Global data set for nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes of tunas ArchiMer
Bodin, Nathalie; Pethybridge, Heidi; Duffy, Leanne M.; Lorrain, Anne; Allain, Valerie; Logan, John M.; Ménard, Frederic; Graham, Brittany; Choy, C. Anela; Somes, Christopher J.; Olson, Robert J.; Young, Jock W..
Nitrogen and carbon stable isotope data sets are commonly used to assess complex population to ecosystem responses to natural or anthropogenic changes at regional to global spatial scales, and monthly to decadal timescales. Measured in the tissues of consumers, nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) are primarily used to estimate trophic position while carbon isotopes (δ13C) describe habitat associations and feeding pathways. Models of both δ15N and δ13C values and their associated variance can be used to estimate likely dietary contributions and niche width and provide inferences about consumer movement and migration. Stable isotope data have added utility when used in combination with other empirical data sets (e.g., stomach content, movement tracking,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baseline isotopic variability; Food web dynamics; Global Ocean; Marine top predators; Pelagic ecosystem; Scombrids; Trophic position.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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