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Benthic microalgal communities in the inner part of the Bahia Blanca estuary (Argentina): a preliminary qualitative study ArchiMer
Parodi, Er; Barria De Cao, S.
The intertidal zone of the inner part of the Bahia Blanca estuary, Argentina is characterised by the presence of muddy tidal flats and salt marshes, habitats for burrowing crabs and halophytic plants. The surface layer of the sediments is composed of silt and clay. The sediments are substrate for the proliferation of benthic microalgal communities. The aim of this study was to analyse qualitatively the species composition of these communities and their role in the stabilisation of the sediments. Samples came from two stations: Puerto Cuatreros and Villarino Viejo. Puerto Cuatreros is an old pier without harbour activities closer than Villarino Viejo to the harbour zone affected by dredging. Both stations showed similar physical and chemical parameters. In...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microphytobenthos; Stabilisation des sédiments; Benthic microalgal communities; Microbial mats; Sediments stabilisation.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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