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Macroecologia de mamíferos neotropicais com ocorrência no Cerrado Zoologia
Vieira,Cleiber Marquez; Diniz-Filho,José Alexandre Felizola.
The macroecological approach has been used recently to analyze correlations between ecological variables in large taxonomic groups, at continental scales. A positive relationship between body weight and geographic range size has been described as a poligonal space envelope form, that can be explained by ecological and evolutionary constraints. However, these variables can be disturbed by spatial and phylogenetic autocorrelation effects. In this work, the relationship between body weight and geographic range size was analyzed for 80 species of Neotropical mammals present in the Brazilian "cerrado". Spatial and taxonomic effects were tested using a linear trend surface analysis and an ANOVA (at level of order), combined in a generalized model. Around 61% of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Macroecology; "Cerrado" mammals; Geographic range size; Ecological and evolutionary constraints; Spatial and phylogenetic autocorrelation.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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