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Projet EPICURE : Étude des Peuplements Ichtyologiques et des CommUnautés RécifalEs à partir d’indicateurs spatiaux et de l’approche fonctionnelle, des bancs du Geyser, de la Zélée et de l’Iris. Programme du Xème FED régional « Gestion durable du patrimoine naturel de Mayotte et des îles Eparses ArchiMer
Roos, David; Dupont, Priscilla; Gaboriau, Matthias; Bigot, Lionel; Durville, Patrick; Mulochau, Thierry; Pinault, Mathieu; Wickel, Julien; Urbina-barreto, Isabel; Mouquet, Pascal; Maurel, Laurence; Cantou, Michel; Fallourd, Sophie; Guilbert, Antonin; Hoarau, Jean-marc; Aumond, Yoann; Huet, Jerome; Evano, Hugues; Sabathe, Yoann; Giannasi, Paul; Adami, Paul; Mercky, Yann; Jac, Cyrielle; Sucre, Elliott; Pelletier, Dominique; Claverie, Thomas.
For the first time ever at such a spatial scale, the EPICURE project is using the complementary exosystemic, functional and fisheries approaches to analyze and compare the partially exploited fish‐populating structure of the Geyser, Zélée, and Iris banks. This project focuses on three main points, which are 1) a habitat map of the three banks and an assessment of the live coral coverage as a proxy of the Geyser bank’s health, 2) a description of fish assemblages and a functional analysis relative to habitat type and time and 3) an estimate of the abundance index in structure size of the main exploited stocks. Overall, 42 habitats over 268 km² were mapped on the Geyser bank with 534 field verifications. On the Zélée bank, 24 habitats were mapped over 183...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Peuplements ichtyologiques; Communautés récifales; Indicateurs populationnels; Approche fonctionnelle; Stocks halieutiques; Cartographie; Habitats; Bancs récifaux; Geyser; Iris; Zélée; Canal du Mozambique; Fish populating; Reef community; Population index; Functional approach; Fisheries stocks; Habitat map; Reef bank; Geyser; Zélée; Iris; Mozambican channel.
Ano: 2017 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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