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Addressing Sustainability of Clam Farming in the Venice Lagoon Ecology and Society
Melaku Canu, Donata; National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics OGS;; Pastres, Roberto; Ca' Foscari University of Venice ;; Pizzo, Lara; University of Padova TeSAF Dept;; Rossetto, Luca; University of Padova TeSAF Dept;; Solidoro, Cosimo; National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics OGS;
The clam fishing and aquaculture system in the Venice Lagoon still appears insufficiently resilient to buffer external and internal perturbations, such as productivity fluctuations, unregulated fishing, and market related dynamics, despite the efforts of regional and local authorities to achieve the sustainable development. According to the System Approach Framework (SAF), based on previous studies and stakeholder interactions, we developed a model integrating ecological, social, and economic (ESE) aspects. We chose the aspects necessary to represent the essential dynamics of major ecological, social, and economic clam farming system components to project the consequences of implementing alternative management policies and to address the ecological and...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Clam farming; Model integration; Social carrying capacity; System Approach Framework; Tapes philippinarum; Venice Lagoon.
Ano: 2011
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Evaluation du stock de palourdes du bassin d'Arcachon ArchiMer
Bertignac, Michel; Auby, Isabelle; Sauriau, Pierre-guy; De Montaudouin, Xavier; Foucard, Julie; Martin, Sophie.
As part of a larger project financed by the European Union programme "Community initiative PESCA" on the study of "small scale fisheries" in Aquitaine (France), an estimation of the stock of clams in the Bassin d'Arcachon has been conducted. A two-stage stratified random sampling survey has been designed. Samples have been collected using a Hamon bottom sampler in 237 locations distributed over 24 km2. The clam Tapes philippinarum, which appeared in the basin following a series of aquaculture experiments in the mid eighties, is now the main species accounting for more than 90% of the abundance and the biomass, largely overcoming the European species Tapes decussata. The mean abundance and biomass (26 clams / m2 et l28g / m2) are above those estimated in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Palourde; Tapes philippinarum; Tapes decussata; Evaluation stock; Pêche; Pêche à pied; Echantillonnage; Bassin d'Arcachon; Clam; Tapes philippinarum; Tapes decussata; Stock assessment; Fishery; Sampling; Bassin d'Arcachon.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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A bibliography of the Manila clam Tapes philippinarum ArchiMer
Goulletquer, Philippe.
A bibliography of over 1,400 papers on reproduction, recruitment, genetic, pathology, basic biology, and the geographic distribution of the Manila clam Tapes philippinarum is compiled to provide a guide to scientists. This review aims to facilitate access and diffusion of scientific works carried out on this species to the international scientific community concerned by Tapes philippinarum. The bibliography includes publications as well as grey literature published around the world since the early century. Moreover, the large synonymy of Tapes philippinarum and the species geographic distribution are reviewed and updated. The species importance is assessed through public fishery landings and aquaculture production per country. The D'v'eral1 worldwide...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bibliography; Tapes philippinarum; Manila clam; Synthèse bibliographique; Tapes philippinarum; Manila clam.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Introduction in Europe, from 1972 to 1980, of the Japanese Manila clam (Tapes philippinarum) and the effects on aquaculture production and natural settlement ArchiMer
Flassch, Jean-pierre; Leborgne, Yves.
The Pacific Mani la clam (Tapes philippinamm) was introduccd in France be tween 1972 and 1975 by the SATMAR Corporation , and in England through the Conwy Laboratory in 1980. Initially. spat were introduced and later adults, both from the west coast of North America (Puget Sound area). Aquaculture production in France started from adults. Until 1975, experiments with the spat were conducted at half-industrial scale and research activities and plans to transfer the knowledge were set up. The breeding began at first on the French Atlantic coast in intertidal areas and at the same time in oyster ponds. Characteristics of the new cu lture are presented in th is paper. The diseases met wilh in larval production and growout are also discussed . Nalural...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clam culture; Environmental impact; Introduced species; Tapes philippinarum.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Manila clam Tapes philippinarum culture: Sediment-clam interactions ArchiMer
Goulletquer, Philippe; Robert, Rene; Trut, Gilles.
Manila clam (Tapes philippinarum) culture and sediment interactions were tested by comparing two rearing areas, including an oceanic ('Le-Ferret') and a more estuarine ('Les-Jacquets') sites in the bay of Arcachon (France). The growth of a calibrated clam population (10-mm spat) was monitored in these two areas with a concomitant sediment-water interface survey over a 1.5-year period. Two sites per area, including control and rearing plots, were sampled on a monthly basis. The potential clam farming impacts by bioturbation and interactions were examined at three sediment depths: 0-1, 1-2 and 2-10 cm. Moreover, the main hydrobiological parameters were measured on a weekly basis to establish a relationship between these parameters and sediment-water...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Arcachon; Tapes philippinarum; Sediment water interface; Bioturbation; Clam culture; Bassin d'Arcachon; Tapes philippinarum; Interface eau sédiment; Bioturbation; Vénériculture.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Essai de traitement du sédiment contre le vibrio P1, lors d'un demi-élevage de palourdes dans la zone des Abers. ArchiMer
Barret, Jean.
Different treatments aiming to cure the grounds, which bad been contaminated by the vibrio P1 "brown-ring", have been carried out on some sites of on-growing, taking place in the Aber Benoit, in Brittany. The tested products were Lime, and an antiseptic "Agroseptil" which positive effects are admitted in pisciculture. The results (growth, survival and the presence of brown-ring), do not point out any difference between the various treatments. However, it looks as if the brownring has appeared latter than on other clam-fields located in the same area.This effect does not seem to be due to the various treatments of the soils, but to the antibiotic  bath of the clams bef ore seeding.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Palourde; Tapes philippinarum; Vibrio P1; Sédiment; Anneaux brun; Traitement; Antiseptique; Agroseptil; Chaux; Manila clam; Tapes philippinarum; Vibrio P1; Soil; Brown-ring; Treatments; Antiseptic; Agroseptil; Line.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Isolation and characterization of a pathogenic bacterium specific to Manila clam Tapes philippinarum larvae ArchiMer
Nicolas, Jean-louis; Ansquer, Dominique; Cochard, Jean-claude.
A bacterial strain belonging to the genus Vibrio was involved in a recurrent outbreak of disease in Manila clam Tapes philippinarum larvae at a commercial hatchery, This vibrio, named VTP for convenience, was not related to the known pathogenic vibrios and possessed unusual characteristics, Only Manila clam larvae and postlarvae were affected by the disease, Oyster and scallop larvae were not affected by vrp, Survival of vrp was found to be of short duration in seawater but even a very small number of cells (1 cell per 5 ml) could initiate the disease, VTP did not grow on thiosulfate-citratebile-sucrose agar and was resistant to chloramphenicol. An epidemiological study utilizing bioassays revealed the presence of VTP in adult bivalves and in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacterial diseases; Clam culture; Larvae; Pathogenic bacteria; Tapes philippinarum; Vibrio.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Economic modelling as a tool to support macroalgal bloom management: a case study (Sacca di Goro, Po river delta) ArchiMer
Cellina, F; De Leo, Ga; Rizzoli, Ae; Viaroli, P; Bartoli, M.
During the last 20, years, intensive mollusk farming has been developed in coastal waters, mostly in sheltered bays and lagoons. Often, mollusk stocks are threatened by frequent anoxic events from macroalgal blooms. Here, a decision support tool is described to select the optimal short-term strategy to control algal biomasses. Even though long-term and detailed studies of the lagoon systems are required to provide reliable, biologically based policies, we have here developed a simplified analysis that overlooks most of the ecological complexity, but explicitly includes environmental variability and uncertainty in parameter estimation in the economic assessment of the performances of different management strategies. The aim is to quickly screen management...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gestion d'une floraison macroalgale; Analyse bio-économique; Modélisation stochastique; Ulva rigida; Tapes philippinarum; Algal bloom management; Bioeconomic analysis; Stochastic modelling; Ulva rigida; Tapes philippinarum.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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