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Morphometry and acetylcholinesterase activity of the myenteric plexus of the wild mouse Calomys callosus BJMBR
The myenteric plexus of the digestive tract of the wild mouse Calomys callosus was examined using a histochemical method that selectively stains nerve cells, and the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemical technique in whole-mount preparations. Neuronal density was 1,500 ± 116 neurons/cm2 (mean ± SEM) in the esophagus, 8,900 ± 1,518 in the stomach, 9,000 ± 711 in the jejunum and 13,100 ± 2,089 in the colon. The difference in neuronal density between the esophagus and other regions was statistically significant. The neuron profile area ranged from 45 to 1,100 µm2. The difference in nerve cell size between the jejunum and other regions was statistically significant. AChE-positive nerve fibers were distributed within the myenteric plexus which is formed by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Myenteric plexus; Wild mouse; Calomys callosus; Morphometry; Histochemistry.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Studies on the intrinsic nervous system of the wild rodent Calomys callosus digestive tract. II: The submucous plexus BJMBR
Souza,N.B.; Liberti,E.A.; De-Souza,R.R..
The submucous plexus of the normal small and large intestine of Calomys callosus was studied by NADH and AChE histochemical techniques and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The plexus contains (mean ± SD) 7,488 ± 293 neurons/cm2 in the duodenum, 5,611 ± 836 in the jejunum, 2,741 ± 360 in the ileum, 3,067 ± 179 in the cecum, and 3,817 ± 256 in the proximal colon. No ganglia or nerve cell bodies were seen in the esophagus, stomach, distal colon or rectum. The neurons are pear-shaped with a round or oval nucleus and the neuronal cell profile areas were larger in the large intestine than in the small intestine. Most of the neurons display intense AChE activity in the cytoplasm. AChE-positive nerve fibers are present in a primary meshwork of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Submucous plexus; Wild mouse; Morphometry; Histochemistry; Ultrastructure; Calomys callosus.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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