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Sublethal concentrations of waterborne copper induce cellular stress and cell death in zebrafish embryos and larvae Biol. Res.
Hernandez,Pedro P; Undurraga,Cristian; Gallardo,Viviana E; Mackenzie,Natalia; Allende,Miguel L; Reyes,Ariel E.
Copper is an essential ion that forms part of the active sites of many proteins. At the same time, an excess of this metal produces free radicals that are toxic for cells and organisms. Fish have been used extensively to study the effects of metals, including copper, present in food or the environment. It has been shown that different metals induce different adaptive responses in adult fish. However, until now, scant information has been available about the responses that are induced by waterborne copper during early life stages of fish. Here, acute toxicity tests and LC50 curves have been generated for zebrafish larvae exposed to dissolved copper sulphate at different concentrations and for different treatment times. We determined that the larvae...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Acute exposure; Apoptosis; Copper; Early life stage; Heat shock; Protein-70; Zebrafish.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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