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Traitement des langoustines et des crevettes contre le noircissement ArchiMer
Chantreau, Patrick; Vallet, Jean-luc.
The conservation of crawfish requires the use of chemical substances making it possible to limit blackening. This phenomenon this blackening (melanine) is due to the coordinated action of three elements: - oxygen, - an enzyme (cupro-protein), - a suitable substrate, tyrosin or the dihydroxyphénylalanine. The absence of the one of them allows a notorious reduction in the phenomenon. Several antioxydant products, were used to prevent the formation of the mélanine. The métabisutfite of soda or potassium as well as soda bisulfite in acid solution, are currently used to treat crawfish and shrimps. Several methods of use of these pesticides exist, we propose in this report to present the principal ones, as well as the control methods making it possible to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Regulation; Sprinkling; Antioxydant; Technology; Treatment; Shrimp; Crawfish; Réglementation; Aspersion; Antioxydant; Technologie; Traitement; Crevette; Langoustine.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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