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Economic Analysis of U.S. Immigration Reforms 31
Aguiar, Angel; Walmsley, Terrie L..
In January 2004, President George Bush proposed the creation of a temporary worker program to allow more migrant workers to enter the US legally. This new temporary worker program would be open to undocumented workers in the US, as well as to prospective migrants currently residing abroad. The program would temporarily allow immigrants to fill jobs that, according to employers, would otherwise go unfilled at the current wage. The US Congress vetoed the presidential proposal, however, and requested a stricter enforcement of immigration law and the consequent deportation of undocumented immigrants. This study analyzes the economic effects of these immigration reforms on the US economy using an applied global general equilibrium model of migration. In...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: US Undocumented Workers; Applied General Equilibrium; Political Economy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Dynamic CGE Model: An Application of R&D- Based Endogenous Growth Model Theory 31
Diao, Xinshen; Elbasha, Elamin H.; Roe, Terry L.; Yeldan, A. Erinc.
An R&D based endogenous growth - applied general equilibrium model is developed from an underlying analytical model which combines Romer's capital variety with Grossman and Helpman's multi-sector open economy model. The transitional dynamics of the analytical model are derived. For numerical implementation, a time discrete empirical model, with an Armington structure, is fit to East Asian data of the social accounting matrix variety. Simulations of trade reform are performed and their static and dynamic effects compared. The transition paths of the state variables are found to have a half-life of five to six periods. A solution of the Social Planner's problem, and interventions which seek to obtain this outcome from the decentralized model are also...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Applied General Equilibrium; Trade; Growth; International Relations/Trade; F11; 031; 041.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Impact of climate policy on the Basque country. 31
Gonzalez, Mikel; Dellink, Rob B..
In this paper analyze the economic effects of CO2 emission reductions in the Basque Country (Spain) using an applied general equilibrium (AGE) model with specific attention to environment-energy-economy interactions. Environmental policy is implemented through a system of tradable pollution permits that the government auctions. The costs of different levels of CO2 abatement are discussed, focusing on the variations of macroeconomic, sectoral and environment-energy variables. Results show that the costs for achieving the Kyoto targets can remain limited if the appropriate combination of changes in fuel-mix and restructuring of the economy is induced. Impacto económico del control del cambio climático en el País Vasco Resumen En este trabajo analizamos...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Applied General Equilibrium; Climate change; Tradable pollution permits; Basque Country; Environmental Economics and Policy; D58; H21; Q20; Q28.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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