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Modelling larval dispersal and settlement of the reef-building polychaete Sabellaria alveolata: Role of hydroclimatic processes on the sustainability of biogenic reefs 5
Ayata, Sakina-dorothee; Ellien, Celine; Dumas, Franck; Dubois, Stanislas; Thiebaut, Eric.
The honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata forms biogenic reefs which constitute diversity hotspots on tidal flats. The largest known reefs in Europe, located in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (English Channel), are suffering increasing anthropogenic disturbances which raise the question of their sustainability. As the ability to recover depends partly on the recolonization of damaged reefs by larval supply, evaluating larval dispersal and the connectivity between distant reefs is a major challenge for their conservation. In the present study, we used a 3D biophysical model to simulate larval dispersal under realistic hydroclimatic conditions and estimate larval retention and exchanges among the two reefs of different sizes within the bay. The model takes into...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Mont Saint Michel; English Channel; Modelling; Larval settlement; Larval transport; Connectivity; Biogenic reefs; Sabellaria alveolata.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Cartographie et évaluation du stock de crépidules en baie du Mont Saint-Michel, en 2004 5
Blanchard, Michel; Clabaut, Philippe; Abernot-le Gac, Chantal.
In 2003 and 2004, 3 cruises were organized using observations systems and sampling techniques to carry out cartography and stock assessment of the Slipper-limpet population (Crepidula fornicata) in the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (Western Channel). This was done as part of the National Programme of Coastal Environment (Programme National d'Environnement Côtier - PNEC). The study helped to update previous data collected in 1995-96 with similar techniques : side-scan-sonar and submarine video for observation, and scuba diving and grabs for samples collection. Results show that during an eight years period, the limpet population spread in the southern part of the bay and that its stock rose about 50%, reaching about 150,000 metric tons, south of a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Manche ouest; Golfe normano breton; Baie du Mont Saint Michel; Sonar à balayage latéral; Cartographie; Évaluation de stock; Crepidula fornicata; Crépidule; Western Channel; Norman Gulf; Bay of Mont Saint Michel; Side scan sonar; Cartography; Stock assessment; Crepidula fornicata; Slipper limpet.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Bilan du suivi de l'exploitation industrielle de la crépidule en Bretagne Nord (baies de Saint-Brieuc et du Mont Saint-Michel) 2002-2005 5
Blanchard, Michel; Hamon, Dominique.
The slipper-limpet (Crepidula fornicata) is a marine gastropod which causes serious perturbations in shellfish beds, because of spatial spreading and density rising. Along French coasts, in Northern Brittany, two bays are highly colonized : bay of Saint-Brieuc, centre for scallops fishery, and bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, a famous oyster-farming area, with a total limpet stock about 450 000 metric tons. The association AREVAL was founded in 2001 to manage there, an industrial collect of limpets by a succing-dredge, followed ashore by a treatment for calcareous soil improvement. The scientific survey, contracted to IFREMER, included measurements of long andshort-term dredge's effects on grounds and limpet population, and proposals to set up dredging...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Western Channel; Bay of Mont Saint Michel; Bay of Saint Brieuc; Impact; Dredging; Treatment; Crepidula fornicata; Slipper limpet; Manche Ouest; Baie du Mont Saint Michel; Baie de Saint Brieuc; Impact; Dragage; Exploitation; Crepidula fornicata; Crépidule.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Feeding response of the polychaete Sabellaria alveolata (Sabellariidae) to changes in seston concentration 5
Dubois, Stanislas; Barille, Laurent; Cognie, Bruno.
Sabellaria alveolata is a tube-building gregarious polychaete that constructs large biogenic reefs. In macrotidal shellfish ecosystems, this species competes for food with cultivated suspension-feeders. The suspension-feeding activity and clearance rate of S. alveolata were investigated in response to changes in seston concentration. A flow-through system was designed to study 225 cm(2) reef blocks with more than 500 individuals. The experimental conditions were characterized by increasing concentrations of suspended particulate matter ranging from 6.5 to 153.8 mg L-1, while the organic content of the diet (microalgae Skeletonema costatum) decreased inversely from 49 to 9%, to mimic the dilution of organic matter by inorganic particles, characteristic of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Mont Saint Michel; Tubiculous polychaete; Trophic capacity; Suspension feeders; Reefs; Feeding activity.
Ano: 2009 URL:
Registros recuperados: 4
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