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Evaluation of CO2 Biofixation and Biodiesel Production by Spirulina (Arthospira) Cultivated In Air-Lift Photobioreactor BABT
Morais,Etiele Greque de; Cassuriaga,Ana Paula Aguiar; Callejas,Nicolás; Martinez,Natalia; Vieitez,Ignacio; Jachmanián,Iván; Santos,Lucielen Oliveira; Morais,Michele Greque de; Costa,Jorge Alberto Vieira.
ABSTRACT Spirulina is a microalgal genre that has the capacity to produce various bioproducts with applications in several areas including the energy sector. The study aimed to assess the ability of CO2 biofixation, biodiesel and other biocompounds production by Spirulina sp LEB 18 cultured in air-lift photobioreactor. The microalgae presented a rich macronutrient composition: protein (47.3%), carbohydrates (13.4%) and a high lipid content (32.7%) in a media with nitrogen reduction, CO2 using air-lift photobiorector. Furthermore, 160 mg.L.d-1 of CO2 was biofixed, generating a maximum biomass yield of 0.02 g.L.d-1. The lipids evaluated for biodiesel production presented a theoretical yield of 19.8% for in situ transesterification and 47.9% for conventional...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biofuels; Carbon dioxide; Microalgae; Photobiorefinary; Biocompounds.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Development of a dehydrated product with edible film characteristics from mammee apple (Mammea americana L.) using Refractance Window drying Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
NASCIMENTO,Cintieley dos Santos; RODRIGUES,Antonio Manoel da Cruz; SILVA,Luiza Helena Meller da.
Abstract The Mammee apple (Mammea americana L.) is a widely grown fruit, popular in tropical areas, which is mainly consumed fresh. Refractance Window (RW) drying is used to produce food films, flakes, and powders, and may be an alternative to commercially used dry food production methods. The aim of this study was to obtain a dehydrated product from the pulp of mammee apple using RW. The dehydrated product presented a homogeneous microstructure and good mechanical (TS = 1.15 Mpa, %E = 13.93) and technological properties (hygroscopicity = 21.46 g.100 g-1, water solubility index = 32.73 ± 0.67 g.100 g-1). RW drying was found to be a viable and low-cost method for edible film production, generating products with adequate technological characteristics and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mammea americana L.; Film; Refractance window; Biocompounds; Technological properties.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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