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Economics of controlling invasive species: optimal control and stability of ecological-economic system 31
Chalak, Morteza; Ruijs, Arjan; Hemerik, Lia; van der Werf, Wopke; van Ierland, Ekko C..
Natural enemies such as herbivores that are introduced to reduce invasive plants can spill over into nature, threaten indigenous species and impose significant costs. We develop a bioeconomic model to analyse the optimal control management strategy of an introduced herbivore that has spilled over from a managed system to a natural area. Cost-effective control strategies are analysed that reduce the spillover effects of herbivores on endangered plants species to reduce the risk of extinction and increase benefits obtained from the ecosystem. We consider two competing indigenous plant species as the representatives of the plant community. Only one of these species is consumed by introduced herbivore. We show that the optimal level of controlling herbivores...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Economics; Biological agent; Externality; Spillover; Control; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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