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North Sea saithe Pollachius virens growth in relation to food availability, density dependence and temperature 5
Cormon, Xochitl; Ernande, Bruno; Kempf, Alexander; Vermard, Youen; Marchal, Paul.
North Sea saithe Pollachius virens, a major top predator in the area, supports the fishery economy of several European countries. However, recent stock assessments suggested a decrease in spawning stock biomass along with a decline in saithe mean weight-at-ages. In this context, we investigated North Sea saithe growth characteristics at the population level. First, saithe annual weight increments and age-length relationships were studied. Modelling of saithe age-length relationships was carried out using (1) the traditional von Bertalanffy growth function model, (2) the Verhulst logistic model and (3) an empirical linear model. Second, the effects of environmental factors on saithe growth were investigated. Explanatory environmental factors included food...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bottom-up processes; Von Bertalanffy growth function; Logistic growth; Norway pout; Prey availability effects; Density-dependence; Predator-prey interactions; Resource limitation; Competition.
Ano: 2016 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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